Chapter 21

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I can honestly say that this one's gonna be a difficult one to write...

Fingers crossed though!

And to all of my followers, this ones for you! M so sorry that I haven't acknowledged you all separately, but know that I value every one of your follows! :) You guys are what keeps me goin, all 133 of you (and the rest who r to come)! :*

I give to you .... *drumroll*

TPL - Chapter 21!


Olivia opened her eyes gingerly, as the first rays of dawn hit her eyelids. She stretched as much as her throbbing body would allow her and pushed her matted hair behind her ears. She had been too tired to tie it up before she had dozed off last night. Pushing herself upright, she rested her head on the headboard, looking around her.

And frowned at the armchair placed next to the bed.

The armchair that most definitely had not been there last night.

She sighed. It must have been one of the maids sent to 'look after' her. She thanked the Lord that she wasn't sleeping there still. It would be dreadful to watch a person sleep all night long. And she wouldn't like to trouble someone that way, servant or not. In any case, she was feeling just a bit of pain where the bullet had grazed her side, and she wasn't about to complain about it.

And now that she was awake, she felt likegoing for a walk. Certainly it was safe to stroll this early in the morn? As it is she had to speak to James about the previous day's occurrences, and the reason for his absence afterwards. She needed all the fresh air she could get.

She was wearing just her thin chemise, so she walked towards the chair where she had draped her robe last night, and put it on. Spying a coat on the armchair, she picked it up. It was the same one that James had worn to the picnic.

Feeling like a thief somehow, she let the fabric envelop her. And felt his scent cocoon her. Feeling somewhat bolstered by this, she let herself out of her chamber quietly, heading down the stairs and out of a door that the housekeeper had mentioned yesterday when she had come around with her dinner tray.

Closing the door softly, as it was located close to the servant's chambers, she turned to find herself in the stunning Rose garden of Bentham Park. And what a garden!

A large number of roses in every colour imaginable showcased their beauty in artfully arranged formations, each bush pruned in such a way as not to hinder the observer's path through the garden. In the shining rays of dawn, each flower appeared as if sculpted by a master artist. Even the dewdrops on them sent the sunlight reflecting in so many directions, creating a rainbow that dazzled the eye.

Suddenly a hummingbird flitted just in front of her face, and the spell was broken as Olivia let out a little squeak of surprise. Feeling foolish at her reaction, she laughed, the tinkling sound coming forth from her lips involuntarily.

Wandering further, she wondered why she hadn't seen hide nor hair of her husband since the picnic. She could not believe he did not wish to see her. Cold he could be, but James was not callous, she knew.

And her wedding night! There had been no reason to even call it that! Maybe he had wanted to let her rest, as she knew for certain she was in no position to perform any kind of 'wifely' duties, what with the bandage covering her side, and the slight throbbing where the stitches pulled her skin.

But he could have at least said good night, or checked on her health! She felt like life kept reminding her that it didn't go according to her wishes, but did what it wished. Ugh! She should stop acting like such a depressed person, just the fact that she was alive even after yesterday was enough to be thankful for.

Turning a corner, her ears were assailed by a steadily cursing voice. Turning, she walked in the direction the sound was coming from, her curiosity piqued.

Peering around a rather large rose bush while wondering what the gardener was doing at this hour, her eyes were met with an unexpected sight. So unexpected, that she could not contain the feminine giggle that escaped her lips.

James stood amidst a few scattered flowers, a dagger in one hand, possibly being used to cut the flowers, and staring angrily at the other hand, the finger of which was bleeding rather profusely due to what she assumed was a thorn prick. At her giggle, however, he looked up, his annoyed gaze fading into a concerned one at the sight of her up and about so early in the morning.

"Olivia, shouldn't you be resting? Are you in pain? The laudanum was just on the nightstand, did you not see it? You should have woken up the maid, I sent her to sleep late in the night, but it is their job to cater to your needs, you mustn't hesitate to-" James stopped in his monologue abruptly, trying in vain to recover his composure, which had fractured on seeing her standing there, pale as a ghost, looking like a tiny, fragile fairy in his large coat, giggling at him of all things. His mind going blank, he just stared at her, waiting for her to reprimand him for his ungentlemanly behavior last night.

But all she did was walk towards him, never breaking eye-contact, except for tearing off a piece of the sash of her robe. But when she looked at his bloody finger, she took his hand in hers, carefully locating the thorn that had pricked him, and gingerly taking it out. Then she did something that James would never have imagined.

Taking his finger to her lips, she put it in her mouth, licking the blood off. By now, just looking at her had aroused every one of his senses, but she seemed unmoved as he watched her steadily, trying to control his animalistic impulses that threatened to overwhelm his rational ones.

She took his finger out of her mouth slowly, watching him from under her lashes. If only she knew what she did to him with that look, she'd be a mile away by now, he thought to himself, his entire being protesting at the thought of her leaving. Taking the strip of silk she had torn, she tied it around his finger firmly, before looking up at him to ask, "Is that alright?"

No, it isn't alright dammit! He wanted to shout. How he yearned for this vixen, and how important was it to keep her safe! Once he caught that bastard....

"My Lord?"

"Yes, Olivia, it is fine."But he just couldn't resist kissing her on the cheek, though he would have loved to kiss much more than her cheeks at that moment. Fate was indeed a cruel mistress.

Olivia blushed slightly at his gesture, chastising herself for her immature behavior. They were man and wife for heavens sake! She should expect such intimacies and much more. This train of thought however, caused her blush to deepen.

James looked at her red cheeks and wondered what she would do if he kissed her full on the lips right then. But before he could think further, her face turned into a grimace of pain and she clutched her side, keening softly. This time, however, he was quick enough to hold her before she fell.

"I am okay, James, a slight dizziness is all.", said Olivia, but James was having none of it. In one fluid motion, he lifted her up carefully, as if she was made of glass. Despite her mumbled protests, made while resting her head on his shoulder, he carried her into the house, going straight up to their bedchamber, and laid her on the bed.

Fetching the laudanum himself, James poured the prescribed dose and held it to her lips.

"I do not wish to drink it, it makes me drowsy. I am not some fragile flower that needs to be tended every moment of the day. I can-" Her tirade was cut off as James made a sound of frustration, slamming the tiny glass on the nightstand, and pacing to the far window to stare out at the rising sun.

"Do you realize that you almost died yesterday!" Where would he be if she had? Probably downing his tenth bottle of whiskey. And she tells him she doesn't need to be tended? The hell with that!

James words brought everything into sharp focus for Olivia. The tautness of his muscles, as if he was waiting for something to happen, his clenched jaw and the muscle twitching in it. And through this display of anger, the worry in his eyes. Why hadn't she noticed it before? Because you were to busy drowning in self pity, a voice in her head answered.

"James- I apologize for making you worry. It-" Again she was cut off mid-sentence as he turned away from the window, striding over to her and picking her up by her arms and shouting at her bewildered form.

"Olivia, it is my duty to worry about you! I am your husband! You are mine! Under my protection! And I failed to protect you on the first day of our marriage..... And now you tell me that you don't need to be cared for.... But you do need to be cared for... and cherished."With those words, he jerked her body flush to his and kissed her.

Why did she always ignite all of his senses to the limit? A taste of her sweet lips always, always made him forget every sorrow and trouble in his life. What had been before she had come into his life, her charm and inner beauty lighting up the darkest corners in his heart. Was this... No, it couldn't be. He should just concentrate on the physical needs in between them. Anything else was too precious to even think of.

Olivia, however, was trying to keep herself from crying out in anguish. A duty? Was that all she was to him? She was trying to decide if she was in love with him, and he thought of her as a duty? It was enough to make her scream.

Just then he deepened the kiss, and all thoughts of sadness vanished from her mind, and she moaned softly, clutching him closer.

All she knew was that she must try to keep some distance from her Pirate, or she might get singed by the flame.


Sorry for the wait guys! Hope you enjoyed it!

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Loadz of love!!!


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