Chapter 25

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James stumbled to a halt at the base of the staircase, bellowing at the top of his voice. "Pemberly!"

The middle aged butler rushed in from the foyer, alarmed at the urgency in his master's voice. "Yes, my lord?", he asked, though James was clearly about to tell him exactly what the matter was.

"Where is her Ladyship?", James ground out, clearly controlling his anger.

"I do not know specifically, my lord. But she hasn't left the house, my lord.", Pemberly said. "I shall ask the footmen to look for her ladyship at once." So saying, he barked at the waiting footmen, who had come after hearing the commotion."Search all the rooms for the countess, and inform us of her whereabouts. Four of you will search upstairs, the remaining four of you and myself shall take care of the rooms on this floor, even the kitchen and the servant's quarters. Move fast!" 

At his words, the footmen sprang into action, each one eager to find their mistress. Pemberly turned to James. "My lord -"

Surprisingly, he was cut off by Connie, who had been standing just behind James after he was alerted to come out from his room.

"Pemberly, James and myself will check outdoors if we can find her ladyship. Kindly notify us of any developments that may occur." At this, he started pulling James towards the doors leading to the gardens.

Just after a few steps however, a foot man hailed them from above. "My lords, I believe you should come and see this. In her ladyship's room."

James needed no further prompting. He sprinted for the stairs, Connie in close pursuit.

What could I have missed seeing in her room? Could it be a farewell letter? Had she abandoned him? 

With these torturous thoughts crashing in his mind James took the stairs two at a time, racing into her room to find the footman, Russell, he believed the lad was named, pointing at a book lying on the floor. Walking towards it, James realized what he was looking at. How did she find this? 

But now there were other, more important matters at hand. Picking up the slim volume, he turned to  Connie, who was looking worried. At James almost imperceptible nod, however, he turned quickly and rushed out of the room.

James thanked the footman, giving him orders to have Bentham house searched in every nook and cranny till the countess was located. 

Then he left the way Connie had. Out the front door.


For the third time in just so many days, Olivia woke up in unfamiliar surroundings. This had to stop, she thought. 

But as her attention was taken away from her surroundings, she was shocked to feel the gag in her mouth, one that smelled like it had been retrieved from the nether regions of a horse. Forcing herself to stop thinking about that happy bit of information and take the damn thing off, she was dismayed to know that she couldn't feel her hands! And come to think of it, she couldn't feel her legs too!

Peering at where her hands were supposed to be, she saw they had been bound tightly together, enough to bruise her skin. Her legs were the same. 

And her head felt like the devil itself had taken up residence, and was banging on every spot he could see.

She calmly recalled how she had been hit on the head before. What time was it? Where was she? Why was she tied up? Would her captor be coming back? What did he want with her?

After all these thoughts, there came just one.


Oh, what she would give to see his dear face! He would search for her, she was sure. But did he know she was gone yet? Had he been harmed too? That sent chills down her spine, and gave her courage.

She must escape this place and get to her Pirate. 

She started to work on the bindings on her hands.


James guided Sultan to Bentham Park, passing the horse to a waiting groom. He was at his wits end. It had been more than an hour since he and Connie hadsearched the entire land under Bentham, even the village. Where could he take her? James had even searched the book to see if it had any clue or even a missive from the kidnapper. There was nothing.

Staring at the retreating back of Sultan, James silently thanked the beast for his stamina, as he had made him gallop through the surrounding brush without care. The steed had been lazing in the corral with Connie's horse before they had come to know about Olivia's abduction, but when James had coaxed him to give his all, the stallion had not shied or tried to throw him. He was greatful for that.

Suddenly he was struck by a thought.

"Hell and damnation!" the curse was out of his lips and he raced towards the stables, knowing his last hope rested there.


She almost had the rope off her hands.

The only reason that she was taking so much time, was that the feeling had returned to her abused hands as soon as she had begun to free her hands. And the pain was beyond anything she had imagined. She was thankful for the gag, foul odour or not. It kept her from screaming out loud.

The only reason she was silently trying to free herself was James. She couldn't let their last words to each other be in anger. She couldn't live without him.

She loved him.


Olivia heard foot steps thundering closer to her spot on the hay, and it was all she could do to keep from screaming in agony at her plight. Whoever came along with those footfalls, she thought, is going to get the worst treatment she was capable of. Steeling her veins and murmuring a small apology to James, she looked to the door.

And her tears flowed freely down her cheeks at the sight she saw.


James fell to his knees at the sight of his Siren lying on the hay, hands and legs bound, mouth gagged with a piece of filthy cloth. Their eyes met, and she closed hers as the tears spilled onto her cheeks. He might have shed a few himself.

James had never thanked the Lord with as much fervor as he did when he held Olivia in his arms that day.


Whew! It's done!! 

Hope u guys like it !!!! :*

V & C


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