Chapter 18

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You guys are just amazing! Sorry I couldn't update sooner, I had college! :/

Yay! So they r married at last! :*

I want to keep the lunch nice and happy, since the chap before was a bit weepy, and rightfully so. I have often wondered how brave these young British girls were, often getting married to men twice their age, which was a bit barbaric in my opinion, so I will try to keep the age difference in my lead pairs, not more than 8 years(like it is now)! :)

I'll keep this one light hearted though (hopefully, since my story has a mind of its own, ditching my intentions at the first opportunity :/ ) Anyway, I hope it turns out good!


"Take care of my daughter, my Lord"

The words had been echoing in James head since the morning, when Olivia's mother had kissed him on the cheek (Kissed him! He still couldn't believe it!) and said those words. They had reminded him of the traitor, and the fact that he had not been caught yet.

Every moment that the traitor was out in the open was enough to increase the danger to Olivia's well-being. And it was all his fault. Unbidden, the image of his mother's pale, lifeless body entered his mind. No, he would not have another death on his conscience. The Lord knew, his soul couldn't take it.

Trying to conquer the sadness creeping into his heart at just the thought of life without Olivia, he recalled her holding the grey dress the previous evening. The dressmaker had assured him that his Lady would love the gown more than any other. Confused at her statement, he had asked her why.

"Because it matches your eyes, my Lord.", she had replied, her round face red with joy at his obvious embarrassment at her answer. Even then he had not believed the woman.

But Olivia's face while looking at the gown had dispelled his misconception. It had shone with something akin to happiness, and he had been assailed once more by his never-ending desire for her. His voice had been husky when he had shown her the gown that he had had made specifically imagining her eyes, that day when he had made her angry while they waltzed, by innocently saying that young ladies only read ton gossip and fashion plates.

Getting the dresses finished in time to give them to her as a wedding gift had cost him a pretty penny, but seeing her today in the gown whose colour matched his eyes, her own shining with hope and belief in him, it had been repaid a thousandfold.

He fingered the ring she had given him, and wondered once again when she would cease to surprise him. It was time to go for the picnic lunch on the grounds. The preparations had been flawless and he had kept track of every aspect of the party, ascertaining that it would be nice enough for the villagers. He knew the importance of the tenants in his life, and also that neglecting them was counter productive.

This gathering would be a test of Olivia's abilities to act as a host, and interact with the tenants, he knew, and he had absolute confidence in her. He knew that with her charming smile and confidence, she would win over the gruffest of the village elders. The thought made him smile.

Just as he approached the main staircase , Olivia stumbled to a halt a the top. Would she never cease to entice him? His Siren, garbed in the gown that had been his favorite from the start, smiled tremulously at him from her position atop the long column of stairs. He wondered what was the cause for that.

But before he could think any further, she swiftly gathered her skirts and resting her bottom on the stair rail, slid down the staircase. By the time she reached the end James had regained his wits and rushed up, catching her before she slammed into the banister. Hoisting her into his arms, he stared at her incredulously .

"What is wrong with you?"

Her answer was to burst into laughter.

"Oh - my- God! That-was-amazing..... And-your face!", she choked out between her laughter.

"Olivia", James growled,"Why did you do that?"

"To see how you would react, of course! And it was priceless! I am sorry if I caused you any distress, my Lord.", she said, still giggling.

"You, my dear, are a baggage! And I know just how to punish you." James words caused Olivia's laughter to subside. Punish? James didn't seem like the type of man who would beat a woman, but who was she to say? She hardly knew him and-

Before she could think of anything more worse, James slung her over his shoulder like a sack of onions, with nary a grunt nor groan. It was like she was as light as a feather.

"James! Put me down! Oh dear, what will the servants think! James John Richardson! Let me down this instant!"

But James paid her no heed, as he carried her out the door, passing an astonished Pemberly, and climbed into the waiting phaeton, where he dropped her ungracefully in the seat, plopping down next to her.

"James, why in heavens name did you do that? Do you even realize what the servants-" her protest was cut off almost immediately.

"If you were so concerned about what the servants would think madam, then you would not have pulled something like that stunt on the staircase! Carrying you over my shoulder was just my way to teach you to think of the consequences before you do something you would regret later. What if you had fallenand broken your fool neck? What then?" James stared straight ahead, images of her deathly pale skin taunting him.

"I am skilled at the 'stunt' I was 'pulling', my Lord." She said primly. "Oliver and I have practiced since we were little, and I know when exactly to jump off the rail, and how to position my feet to absorb the impact of swiftly getting down. I also know-"

"I forbid you to repeat your actions hereafter, Olivia. A countess must live upto the expectations of her peers. None of this dilly-dallying is appropriate. You shall behave with propriety and grace as my wife. I hope I shall not have to repeat this." His words stunned Olivia into absolute silence. Though she did not say anything to him, her thoughts were in a whirl.

How dare he say such a thing to her? Propriety and grace? Was she to be treated like a china-doll then, who always smiled and was perfectly groomed, but was brittle? She did not believe that her actions mediated such a harsh reprimand! But if that was what he wished, she would not disappoint him.


What had gotten into him? James thought. He had never meant to sound like all the controlling husbands of the ton rolled into one! But what had come out of his mouth when she had systematically started to explain how well she knew how to slide down a stair rail, had made him sound like one. And he knew she was incensed. She hadn't said anything so far, but he knew that her temper boiled just under the surface. She was his passionate Siren after all.

He would have to think about how he would make it up to her. Before she actually took his ill-advice to heart.


Ha! A new chapter! And as I warned you, it ran away from me and ended up sort of sad and grumpy!

And I didn't even start with the picnic! :(

Anyways, I wanted to thank you all for the amazing response TPL is getting! #17 in Historical romances and #392 in Romance ! I love you all!!!! :*

So I dunno when I'll update next, but I guess it'll be this weekend! :)

Until then,


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