Chapter 2

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Hi again! As you might have seen, James is a quiet , brooding person. Olivia is a rather normal female ,apart from her beauty of course. Lets see what happens now...

Hope u guys like it! :)


James was stunned. He had been walking swiftly away from another Marriage Minded mama's clutches when, just as he passed the staircase, he saw a young lady tripping on the last step.

Must've swooned at the sight of my scar, he thought, scowling as he stopped the maiden from falling by wrapping his arms around her waist, which was scandalous, he knew , but didn't give a damn. The girl was falling for God's sake! He couldn't waste time thinking about social dictates!

But as soon as he touched her, James felt like he had been struck by a streak of lightning. It was then that he looked at the girl's face.

Moss green eyes with golden flecks in them stared at him with unabashed surprise. An elegant nose and rosebud lips completed the look. Siren, thought James, one that the sailors talked of seeing on long voyages, that beckoned them to their doom.

The spell was broken in the blink of an eye, as someone softly cleared their throat. James hastily set the girl on her feet, taking a step away from her for good measure, all the while cursing himself for a fool.

The person who had cleared her throat smiled at James." Thank you , my Lord", she said, obviously recognizing him. How could she not, thought James bitterly, no one else looks like a pirate here. " I find myself in the unique position of having to introduce myself, as you have saved my daughter from a horrible spot of embarrassment. I am the Duchess of Ashforth, and this is my daughter Olivia.", she said , smiling expectantly.

Olivia, it suits her, was all he got to think, before his aunt came up next to him, resplendent in a gown of amber silk. She smiled at the Duchess and introduced him." Ah Violet, it is good to see you! This is my nephew James, Earl Winchester. Olivia dear, I hope you are alright! Now you both enjoy yourselves, I must see to the rest of the guests. " then she was gone in a swish of silk skirts, as she set off towards the closest group of debutantes and their mamas, who were all blatantly staring at the exchange.

James took one look at the faces of the group and with a curt nod towards the Siren and her mother , set off in the opposite direction, his thoughts as turbulent as a whirlpool.

"My, he certainly looks like a pirate doesn't he?", the Duchess exclaimed to Olivia."That scar, alongwith that hair and those eyes, he just might be mistaken for one even now!"

When she looked at Olivia, the Duchess was distressed to see her pale face." Come now Livvy, let's get you a chair to sit on. I'll send a footman for a glass of lemonade. Oh child, I didn't realize that the shock of tripping might overset your nerves so! Here now, sit down. And take a sip of this lemonade. There you go, you look better already. Stay put now, I'll go find your father."

But Olivia was not even aware of her mother's speech. All she could think of were those beautiful grey eyes , stormy with sadness and even a touch of anger. She didn't know what to make of it.

"Your servant, my lady", came a familiar voice, startling her from her reverie. she looked up to see the rakishly handsome face of Matthew Albansdale, Duke Radnor smiling at her with a hand held out expectantly.

Reluctantly she put her hand in his, and he kissed it , smiling slightly when she jerked her hand back swiftly." May I have the honour of this dance? It is the first of two waltzes , I believe."

The beast had the nerve to ask her for a waltz! Olivia was aware that the intimate nature of the dance was what the Duke was counting on. She did not wish to create a scene, however, and it would also help to remove any memories of those smoky grey eyes from her mind, so she let him lead her to the space reserved for dancing couples.

The Duke was a certified rake in her opinion, and he had been trying to seduce her since he first met her at the Hargreaves soiree. His innuendoes were subtle, but his expressions spoke volumes. There were stories of his conquests gossiped among the ton, and many married women shamelessly pursued him, so why he was stuck on her, she had no clue.

"You look ravishing tonight, Olivia", said the Duke, leaning closer to whisper in her ear. Olivia shuddered in distaste as she fought the urge to slap him, even as she replied with a curt " Thank you, my Lord"

But when he said," Ah Olivia, my voice makes you shudder in pleasure , does it not?", Olivia had had enough. She stomped on his foot as hard as she could without grabbing the notice of anyone, thankful that the dance had finally ended.

She had almost reached her mother who stood with a few of her friends ,gossiping no doubt, when she was surrounded by a group of males eager to ask her for a dance, dandies , all of them, who had paddings instead of muscles , and the frills and ruffles on their attire could rival a ladies ballgown!

After being promised dances, except the last waltz, Olivia had been sure not to give that to anyone , the men set out to impress her with practised poetry and slightly funny anecdotes. Olivia sighed, it was going to be a long night....

She was just being led off the floor by Mr. Formsby, one of the better men out of her pursuers, and was anticipating a bit of a rest since the unpromised waltz was next, when she collided into a brick wall. Or atleast it felt like a brick wall.

Olivia looked up at the victim of her woolgathering and found herself staring for a second time into the eyes of her pirate. Wait, he was not 'her' pirate! Ugh , she was acting like a positive ninny!

A slight blush rose on her cheeks as she realized she was woolgathering again." I apologize, my Lord. I seem to have been woolgathering.",she said a bit timidly, under his intense gaze.

James looked into the Siren's eyes and found himself saying,"Just an apology will not do, Ms.Wynter. I would have the next dance with you." The last waltz! What in Hades was the matter with him, James wondered, shocked at his own speech. Now I've put her in the spot to refuse me, he thought grimly.

But what surprised him the most was her response." I would love to oblige you, my Lord." , she said, and with years of practice kicking in, he took her proffered hand and led her to the dance floor.


How do you like the characters so far? Any ideas for the cast? Radnor is a beast ! I wonder what'll happen next!

Maybe i'll upload tomorrow... :)

Vote and comment .. :)

~ shreya07

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