Chapter 20

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Okay, I won't have a big A/N coz I know you guys wanna know what's next!
Thank you all for the tremendous amount of support you are showing TPL, and know that I love you all!
Oh, and this one is for oceanbluebeach! My most amazing fan! I don't know you well, but u r amazing with ur comments! I love them! :)

Just know that you all have to accept whatever happens next with an open mind and heart, and don't curse me too much.

TPL Chapter 20



The sound of the pistol being fired had turned James heart to ice.

Turning around, he saw Olivia, his Olivia, looking at something on her abdomen. He did not know what she saw there, but in the next second, she crumpled to the grass.

And he ran.

He didn't reach quickly enough to catch her, of course, but the fall was the least of her troubles. James felt the anger and despair rise in him quickly at the sight of the bullet wound in her side. Quickly he ripped the blanket he had in half, and pressed the cloth to staunch the blood flow Dropping to the ground, he pulled her head onto his lap, murmuring soothing words to her pale form, his own skin turning pasty with worry.

Already the villagers had reached them, and James bellowed for the village physician, who appeared quickly, and assessing the scene before him, knelt to observe Olivia's wound.

"It is a flesh wound, my Lord. She has lost some blood, but a few days of rest, sutures, and some laudanum, and her Ladyship should be right as rain. We should take her to Bentham now, where I will clean and dress the wound."

With that, the physician stood up, and when James picked up Olivia's limp body, began to walk towards his own horse whose saddle-bags had his emergency supplies.

Brian Willoughby came up to James and said in a quiet voice, "James, three of the villagers have followed the horseman who... did this. Whatever news they have, I shall send them to you. Also, I wish to speak to you about your behavior right now. You acted like you were not surprised at-"

"Sir, I shall speak to you in the evening at Bentham. At this moment, taking care of my wife is my first priority. Please bring along your wife as well. We shall speak after dinner." James said in a clipped voice, the irritation at his own inability to go and hunt the bastard who had hurt his Siren coming out clearly in his tone. The old man must have recognized this and so he nodded politely and stepped back to let James pass on to the phaeton.

As the vehicle rolled onwards, James held Olivia close to him, his body reeling with the realization of how close he had come to losing her. He couldn't go to search for the rider till he was assured that she was safe and sound. Hopefully the men who had gone after the scoundrel would catch him so he could know his identity. Though he had a sinking suspicion that it was the traitor, or at least someone sent by him.

Carrying her up the stairs to their room, he entered to see the physician already waiting and a maid placing a basin of warm water on the nightstand. He went a softly laid her on the bed.

The doctor worked quickly and efficiently, though James grimaced as he cut out a patch of the fabric covering the wound and Olivia moaned softly. Even the thought of her in pain was unbearable to James. Still he forced himself to look at the wound marring her delicate skin. It would probably be his only glimpse of it until the traitor was caught.

During the ride back to Bentham, James had taken a decision. Since the traitor had attacked Olivia since she was close to him, he had to stay away from her. Also he must spread the rumour that they were an unhappy couple, so he would stay away from Olivia and come for James himself. This meant staying away in all respects. So they would have no wedding night.

After the doctor had bandaged Olivia's side and left after prescribing the amount of laudanum and rest she would require, James sent for two maids to take care of her when she woke up, and going to her side, he placed a kiss on her brow, murmuring softly, "No one will dare to hurt you again, Olivia. Not while you are in my care. I shall take care of it now. You must understand that I have to keep some distance from you now so you are not targeted again. It will cost me dearly, but I shall do it. Rest, and get well soon, it breaks my heart to see you thus. Goodbye, my dear."

And he walked from the room, leaving his sleeping wife behind.


Her head hurt.

That was the first thought that popped into Olivia's mind as she groaned, feeling the dull thudding increase to a pounding rhythm as she tried to sit up in the bed.

The bed?

How was she in a bed? Wasn't she supposed to be at the picnic? Where was James?

Suddenly the memory of the horseman invaded her senses, causing a dizzy panic to spread through her system, and she threw off the bedcovers to stare uncomprehendingly at the bandage covering her side that was visible through her torn gown. Looking at the cut fabric, she almost fainted again. That wonderful gown! Oh dear Lord!

Suddenly her shoulders were steadied and pillows were arranged behind her back so she could sit up properly. Looking up, she found herself faced by two maids, both with smiling faces.

"How do you feel, my Lady?"

"Does your head ache, my Lady?"

"Are you comfortable, my Lady?"

"Would you like something to eat, my Lady?"

"Can I-"

"Stop! The both of you! How many questions am I supposed to answer at once?" Olivia said ending the maids concerned enquiries in an instant, pressing her fingers to the throbbing in her head, she spoke quietly.

"I am feeling fine, I just have a bit of a headache. As for comfort, I shall feel that only when I am allowed to speak to my husband about what happened. And also, I don't wish to eat anything, thank you. Now if you would go fetch my husband?"Olivia said, wondering why James had not been there beside her when she woke up. How long had it been since the shot?

When both the girls seemed reluctant to move, she asked them why they were not moving.

"My Lady, it is- we mean to say-"

"What is it? Speak up, now!"

"His Lordship is not at home at this moment. He has gone to take care of something important, so he had stationed us here to take care of you, my Lady.", came the reply, slightly muffled as the two stared at their feet while speaking.

Olivia rubbed her chilled arms as a wave of sadness rolled over her. 'Something important'? So important that even she was secondary to it? And to think that she had thought they could come to love each other! He didn't even care for her wellbeing. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and put on a patently fake smile for the two young maids.

"I would like to change out of this gown into a robe. Both of you can help me, it is going to be slightly cumbersome. Afterwards, you could pour me some laudanum, I am sure the doctor has prescribed it."

At their mute nods, Olivia sent them to fetch the robe and the medicine. Lying back down on the bed, she thought of the lone rider, and why anyone would want to kill her, for there was no doubt in her mind that the rider had come to kill her.

And why her husband had left her alone, when the thing she wanted most was to be held by him.


Meanwhile James was at the picnic spot, speaking with the three men who, even after trying their best, had failed to outrun the shooter's horse to intercept him.

Simon, who appeared to be the most verbal out of the three, had just finished narrating their tale to James.

How they had heard the shot, and quickly noticing the shooter had sprinted to their mounts, speeding after the man, who had a proper head start, and apparently a prime piece of horseflesh.

"Like bloody lightening 'e was, though Will 'ere almost caught 'im once. But in the end we lost his tracks at the road leading to London. There be a horde of carriages belonging to the fancy, creating enough dust to obscure your vision for a mile, me Lord. Pardon us for not catching the bastard, sir. If it weren't for them carriages, we would 'ave 'im on a pike for ye."

James tried to suppress the anger that insisted on blistering their ears for letting the man go. It wasn't their fault. Now everything was in his hands. He would have to contact Connie tonight. Having him here to guard Olivia would ease his mind a great deal. That way he wouldn't have to be around her tempting presence every minute of the day.

But from the men's report, the rider had been standing quite far away. He would have had to be a good marksman to have even hit his target anywhere from such a distance. No doubt he had aimed to kill. But the distance had been too great for an accurate shot. Thank The Lord for that bit of luck!

He let the men go along, with a message for the Willoughbys that he would meet them tomorrow. Mounting Sultan, he rode to the spot where the rider had shot Olivia from. And prepared to search for clues leading him to the man who tried to kill his wife.

All the while wondering what Olivia would think if she woke up without him next to her.

Would she feel hurt? Or happy?

The second possibilty angered him so much that he spurred Sultan to go faster, completely forgetting the purpose of the ride for a few moments, letting the wind tousle his hair into disarray, telling the rational side of his brain, which insisted on speaking to Olivia and getting the matter clarified before jumping to conclusions, to go to hell, before he stopped and rode back the way he had come, trying to get his mind under control.

This time he kept his thoughts focused on the shooter.



That's all I have to say.


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