Chapter 5

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Dedicated to charlier12 for being my first vote! Thank you so much!


Even after a night of tossing and turning in her sleep, Olivia woke up at eight o'clock, an 'ungodly' hour to be awake, by ton standards. In any case, she had always been an early riser, even during the first two years as a debutante, where she had stayed at the soirees till dawn. After those two years, however, she rarely found the patience to stay so long, as the shine wore off, and the reality of  the members of the haute ton slowly came into focus. The malicious gossip, fake smiles, innumerable affairs of married men and women alike, tittering laughs designed to disarm a person before slandering their name......

Shaking off her pensive mood, she recalled the reason for her less-than-peaceful night and smiled. James. Maybe, just maybe, she had found a reason to stay. She blushed and reminded herself not to call him that while conversing. In her mind, it was a different matter.

He had said that he'd come to pick her up at ten. So she had enough time for breakfast and to get ready for the ride. Breakfast it is, she thought, listening to the growling of her stomach.

Her Pirate was a maze, one she intended to solve. Though she didn't know whether she would like what she found at the centre of it. What would he wear for their outing, she wondered. Perhaps-

Her thoughts were cut off as she stopped at the door to the breakfast room, taking in the scene before her. Indeed her entire mind was wiped clear of any thoughts, for there he sat,in between her mother and her brother, as if conjured from her thoughts.

Oliver was laughing at something James had just said, his blue eyes twinkling with mirth. Her mother was smiling as well, and shaking her head slightly, as if astonished at something. James, however, was the one who held her attention. How his face transformed when he smiled! 

His boyish charm was reflected in his grin, and those soul-baring eyes! Gone was the perpetually stormy look, replaced by something akin to pure joy. Even that scar on the left side of his face enhanced his handsomeness. She had overheard some silly girls last night saying the scar made him look scary. For Olivia, the scar just made him more attractive.

She would have been content just to stare at her Pirate for a few more moments, but Oliver noticed her standing at the threshold, stood up himself, gaining James attention as well, and exclaimed,"Livvy! How is my favourite sister? Early riser as usual, I see. I myself am just returning from White's.", making her chuckle at his exuberance, which she knew the reason for.

Her mother took over at that point, saying, "Olivia, his Lordship wished for you to accompany him for a carriage ride this morning.", she smiled, obviously pleased at the Earl's interest in her daughter, despite his slightly dangerous countenance.

Stupid, stupid, of her to forget that he must ask permission from her  parents for any outing. If she would have remembered, his presence wouldn't have shocked her so much. She replied to him first. "I would like that very much, my Lord.",she said, noting the slight twitching of his lips, which meant that he had recognized her words to be exactly the same as the previous night.

Then she turned to her brother, who, she noted with satisfaction, cringed slightly at the look in her eyes." Dearest brother, I am your only sister. Stands to reason that I am your favourite. But if you are so concerned about my well being, why haven't you escorted me to any event for the past two weeks?" She smiled smugly at him before turning to go to the sideboard to fill her plate.

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