Epilogue(Pic of Ethan)

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Oh, has it ended already? :( I can honestly say I'm gonna miss Jolivia... But don't worry they'll still be making cameo appearances in the next two books. Oh Damn, I was NOT supposed to tell you guys that! (Now I know how Hagrid feels! :P) But jokes apart, I dunno if I'm happy calling it 'The Spy stole my heart' Trilogy.. So please, please suggest a series name readers! :)

Now for the Epilogue... after which TPL is officially complete! :'(


London, 1809.

Olivia felt her hands slacken their hold on her mother and Elizabeth' s hands, and with a sigh of relief, she closed her eyes and let her head rest against the mountain of pillows at her back. As a baby's insistent wail filled the room, she smiled and opened her eyes, to see the midwife swaddle the child carefully and hand it to its proud grandmother.

Violet cooed softly to the infant in her arms, eyes glistening with unshed tears, as she walked to Olivia's side and handed the soft bundle to her. "You have a son, Olivia! A handsome little boy! What shall you call him?"

Just then the door was veritably torn from its hinges as a harried-looking James stood in the doorway, looking as if he hadn't slept a wink for days. Olivia smiled tremulously at her husband and said," Ethan Conrad Richardson, mama. That is what we shall call him. And he shall grow to become just as handsome and fearless as his papa."

Violet nodded at her daughter, smiling gently. Elizabeth wiped Olivia's brow one last time before kissing her cheek and whispering, "Congratulations Livvy! He truly is a handsome boy." Both women silently left the new parents to their privacy, closing the door with a quiet click.

James had walked a few steps into the room, still staring at his wife and newborn child as if he feared they would vanish like the mist in the morning if he dared to blink his eyes. Olivia's contractions had started the previous night, when all the family members, including Olivia's parents, Oliver, Elizabeth, Jane, and Conrad, had been lounging in the library at Bentham Park after dinner.

Though he had insisted he would remain at her side throughout the birthing, he was such a nervous wreck by the end of the first three hours, that the Duchess had ordered him out of the room, telling him to go 'drink some whiskey or go play some damn cards!', before slamming the door in his face.

He had spent the next twelve hours wearing a path in the carpet outside the room and the one in his study. The terror of losing her in the birthing had been eating at his heart since she had announced she was with child, but the pain had intensified a thousand-fold as he waited for word that she and the child were safe.

So, as soon as he heard the wail of his child through the closed door, he had desperately knocked down the door, only to see his strong, beautifully flushed wife holding a tiny swaddled bundle in her arms. On seeing him, she had given him a watery smile, before saying their child's name aloud. Just then James was swamped with the realization that-

She was alive! They had a son! And he was a father!

As the door shut behind him, he felt a tear spill over from the weight of his relief. "Oh, James!" Olivia sighed, and he saw that she too was crying silently. He was at her side in an instant, pulling her half onto his lap, and enclosing both her and the child in his arms.

Looking at his child, he saw eyes the same as his own peering at him through a veil of dark lashes. The feeling of seeing the tiny life that he and Olivia had created out of their love for each other almost overwhelmed him.

Olivia took his hand, bringing it near the grasping fingers of their child, and said," Ethan, this is your Papa. Say hello, darling." James looked awed at the mite-sized fingers that held his ring finger, but smoothed his other hand over his son's head carefully, reveling at the soft black down covering it.

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