Chapter 10

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As promised this one is dedicated to jenniferarmentrout ! Thanks for the comment! :)

Also to autogirl10 for her comment... thankyou! :)

I love that you guys are commenting and voting, it's good incentive for me to write more! ;)

TPL - Chapter 10!


Olivia didn't know what had gotten into her. She knew she was considered an Original in the ton, but she hadn't done anything as scandalous as this, hadn't even thought she had it in her.

But when her lips had connected with James's, she had felt like she had been branded in some primal way. No other man had ever made her lose the 'woman of the world' façade that she presented.

She had always been the one who everyone pursued, and that had given her a feeling of control. But what were these new emotions she was feeling? This warmth in the pit of her stomach, this need to yank the male in front of her, one who caused these feelings, closer?

This caused a bit of alarm, unfamiliar feelings that they were, and so she was the one who broke apart from the embrace.

And felt his powerful hands trembling, around her waist.


How could such an innocent meeting of lips affect him so much? He wasn't a sixteen-year-old lad with no experience! But when their lips had met, he had felt like one.

But that was not what bothered him.

What bothered him was that he had felt a shot of pure tenderness for the Siren in his arms. The desire was there, certainly, but never had he felt any tenderness for a woman.

His hands had wrapped around her waist, as if to steady them both.

As she drew apart, he saw the same doubts he was facing in her eyes. Why it felt to him that he had only now returned home, he could not imagine.

As if waking from a dream, the reality that they were an unmarried couple in a compromising position came into sharp focus, and he hastily retracted his arms while she turned and walked towards the table on which the tea tray had been placed.

"Tea, my Lord?"

He'd have preferred a whiskey, but since that was what had gotten him into this in the first place, he replied, "Yes please. Milk, no sugar."

Just then, the door opened, admitting the Duchess, who was her usual smiling self."Ah, Olivia I see you have a guest. And how are you, my Lord?"

"I am well, your Grace. Olivia was just telling me about the new poem she read. Byron, wasn't it Olivia?", James said without missing a beat.

Thankfully Olivia was quick to catch on. Resisting the urge to give him a fulminating glare, she smiled at her mother.

"' Remind me not, remind me not' to be specific. Sad, heart wrenching yet beautiful words by a man to his- ahem- lover. Have you read it yet mother?", she said, trying to ignore the urge to laugh at the almost comical faces of the two people in front of her. Her mother looked like she was going to faint, while James looked at her as if she had grown a pair of horns on her head.

It was funny really, the way one word could effectively silence a conversation. But she couldn't let it continue, even if it amused her to no end. Pity, that.

"Would you like some tea, mama?"

"No dear, I, um, I believe I have a luncheon to attend. At Lady Featherington's. I shall see you in the evening then. Good bye, my Lord. I hope to see you again." With a slightly paler complexion, the Duchess left the room.

Olivia chuckled. Her mother really was a dear, but Olivia was bound to get a lecture on propriety for her impudence! That caused her to sigh.

"Why that poem? Of all the choices, why that?", said James.

She had almost forgotten he was there. Almost, but not quite.

"It was the first thing that popped to mind when you said Byron.", she replied, dreading his next question.


Because she had been thinking of their kiss. Because she could still feel his lips on hers, and the feel of his hands on her waist . Because when she closed her eyes, all she could see were his grey orbs, dark with desire. For her.

"Because it's the one I read just recently.", she lied through her teeth.

"I see."

She was lying. He was sure of it. But the fact that she was lying to hide her thoughts, was proof that she had feelings related to the kiss. It was a start.

And he didn't intend to let her go.

But now was not the time to tell her about his intentions to marry her, and honestly he didn't think she would agree with him at all. But she would come around. Atleast he hoped she would.

To that end, he said,"I'll take my leave now, Olivia. Thank you for the tea.... And everything else."At this, he took her hand and placed a soft kiss on it.

And couldn't hold back his smile at the blush on her cheeks.

Olivia managed to look into his eyes as he continued to hold her hand, and said ,"It was a pleasure, my Lord."

James let go of her hand then, and smiling he said,"I hope you like them.",before leaving the room, collecting his hat and coat and making his way out to the waiting carriage, smiling like a besotted fool.


Olivia too, was smiling like a child at Christmas . Though she was confused at James's parting comment, she remained that way for sometime, and having reached a conclusion of sorts, dashed to the escritoire and taking out a paper and writing a few words on it, she summoned Briarly and instructed him to give it to a street urchin, and the message to give the child.

Feeling satisfied, she went up to her room, but a surprise awaited her.

There, on the nightstand, was a beautiful bouquet of white roses!

Walking towards it, she opened the note lying next to it. James's elegant script stared up at her.

I am sorry. -James

Clutching the note to her breast, she fell on her bed, thinking of grey eyes darkened with desire.


OMG! I love how this chap turned out! :D

This time the song was Home by Phillip Phillips.. :)
And I won't be able to upload till the 29th.... Sorry! :(

Vote and comment as always!


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