Chapter 11

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Hey ppl! :)

I'm back! :P This chap doesn't have James in it but it isn't just Olivia!

Who else could be there?

Lets find out!

This one is dedicated to my frnd Namita ! She's new to wattpad and she gave me a lot of great feedback... Thanks Nomi! :)

Hope you enjoy it!


Max Wilkins, or Willie as he was known on the streets, prided himself on his skill. If there was an answer to a question, Willie could find it. If you wanted to gather information on anybody at all, Willie would get it for you. For the right price, of course.

If you were wondering what Max did for a living, no, he wasn't a thief.

He was a Runner. A Bow street Runner to be precise.

The Runners were a group of men, who could be hired for their services. These services ranged from gathering information about a person, to even keeping an eye on their activities.

They were very secretive as compared to the police, so if you wanted something to remain a secret, a Runner was whom you could go to for help. They were mostly an honest bunch, but they didn't appreciate it when the hiring was done by a woman.

But Willie had no such preferences. That is how he had ended up in his secret room, where he kept neatly stacked pages of information on almost every member of the ton.

He had collected all the notes while on missions, and while he had spare time. The notes contained every dealing and acquaintance of the subject. It had helped him many times and continued to do so even today.

Ms. Wynter was one of his repeat customers, as he had been approached by her a few times before, to obtain information about certain gentlemen, and she paid him a fair wage when he completed the job, so he respected her.

Willie liked the chit, damned if he didn't, but her request this time had caught him a bit off guard. When the missive from had arrived the day before, he had been surprised to see the name on it.

But never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, here he was, looking for the information she wanted. When he found the file he was looking for, quite easily actually, since it had recently been written in, he took a paper from his breast pocket and quickly wrote a note to her.

Wrapping the notes in brown paper, he added the note on top, and walked outside, parcel in hand. Hailing a small boy sitting under a tree nearby, he told the lad to deliver the package to Olivia's address, where he would be given a coin for his trouble .

When the boy was off like a shot, Willie sighed. That girl was going to get into a spot of trouble one day, what with all her enquiries. He just hoped he would be around to help her when that time came.

Or maybe she'd just get married and save him the trouble.


As Max thought about the inevitable (though Olivia wouldn't agree with him, she saw no danger in her enquiries), the object of his thoughts was contemplating murder. Or atleast serious injury. To the head. With her reticule.

Specifically Davy Sterling's head.

Olivia was attending the weekly Literary society meeting at Lady Wiltshire's house. She had enjoyed the meetings until the last week's gathering, when Davy had joined the salon.

Seeing as he hadn't a literary bone in his entire body, and that he had never left her side for the entire duration of the salon, there was no doubt as to why he had joined the group.

The Viscount had been harping about how the poem 'Wilt Thou Weep When I am Low' was a tragedy, when anyone with even a tiny bit of literary sense in their body knew that the work was a romance. Olivia was trying to control herself from doing bodily harm to the man in front of her.

Ugh! Why was it always Byronic verses that got her in uncomfortable situations? Even yesterday with James!

At the thought of James, Olivia's cheeks turned a light pink. The bouquet of roses had remained at her bedside last night, their scent lulling her into a peaceful sleep. Even then, James had haunted her dreams. That scar on his face intrigued her the most...... How she wished she could touch it!

This pleasantly distracting thought was interrupted, rather rudely, in Olivia's opinion, by Davy's voice, insisting that she was wrong about the poem.

"I do not wish to discuss such delicate poetry with you, my Lord."She said, just barely managing to keep irritation from entering her voice."It seems that our opinions clash rather dangerously on the subject, and since you do not seem inclined to even consider my opinion, I would rather not argue about it.", she finished, knowing she was being rude, but she just didn't care.

"Have you read Shelley's latest work , Ms. Wynter? Absolute rubbish I tell you!", he continued, as if she hadn't said anything just moments before. Honestly, thought Olivia, he seemed determined to keep the conversation going!

But before she could answer in the negative, their hostess demanded silence from everyone. As a hush spread over the room, she said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have been thinking about this for a long time, and since our weekly get together has been successfully running for the past year, I have decided to hold a luncheon for all of us. The invitations will reach your residences today, and I will be most obliged if you attend. Thankyou." She smiled before going back to her group.

After this announcement a commotion had erupted amongst the twenty-odd people in the room. In the discussion, Davy asked Olivia if he could escort her to the luncheon, and having no choice but to agree, Olivia accepted his offer.


Thus it was a grumbling Olivia that entered Ashforth House half an hour later.

Briarly said as soon as she entered the foyer,"Two parcels came for you miss. I've sent them up to your room."

"Thank you, Briarly.", Olivia replied, but her mind was already on the parcels. So, Willie had gotten the information already. But why two parcels? There couldn't be that much information!

Wondering about the second package, she slipped into her room, closing the door softly. On her bed was a parcel covered in brown paper. Willie's no doubt. Where was the other parcel Briarly had mentioned?

Turning towards her desk, she was surprised to see another bouquet, this time with beautiful pink lilies, carefully resting on it.

Rushing to it, she saw a card nestled in between the blooms. Opening it she read-

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes.

Her Pirate knew how to make her heart flutter, she thought, smiling dreamily. Byron again.

Taking the note in her hand she opened a ornate box placed on her bedside table and carefully placed the note on top of the one she had gotten yesterday.

Still smiling at the flowers, she picked up the package lying on her bed. Reading the note on top, she sighed. Willie was always worried for her.

Tearing open the brown paper, she lay down . Reading this was going to take a long time. Hopefully Willie had something useful for her.


One of the boring chapters I know. :(
But I wanted to upload something! U guys have been patient. ;)
I'll try to upload again in some time. But no promises!



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