Chapter 29

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Hey y'all!

Sorry for the wait, I had gone for a trip to Sikkim/Darjeeling and just got back. To all my Indian readers, u guys have to go visit... its really beautiful! :)

Plus I had a bit of writers block, totally dint know what I was gonna write for this chapter!

So new chapter... Hope you enjoy!


The atmosphere in the room was tense when James entered, mentally shedding the worry for Olivia, to give his full attention to the matter at hand.

Nate sat in one of the armchairs before the settee, two agents whom he recognized as Presley and Scott, two younger agents, flanking him. Conrad stood at the windows, gazing pensively through them. The tray of tea and snacks lay on the settee, untouched.

As soon as Nate entered, followed by the two footmen carrying the Duke, who placed him on one of the Rose upholstered wingback chairs, in a very uncomfortable position, Conrad turned away from his perusal of the street below.

"James! So it was Radnor, the son of a bitch!" he exclaimed, looking disdainfully at the sprawled form in the chair.

Nate nodded at James, his calm posture belying the churning that was going on in his gut. They had finally apprehended the traitor they had set out to find so long ago. Or rather, he had found them. He wanted to ask James if his lady was safe, but seeing as James was even in the room with them reassured him that she was.

As it was, James was about to tell them about all that had transpired that morning, leaving out the part about his mother knocking out the duke. That he could tell Connie and George later.

"Nate, should we discuss this now or later? It would ease my mind to know that the bastard was under lock and key, away from - everyone." James really didn't want to spend any more time than necessary on the traitor. Tomorrow was soon enough to tell Nate about everything.

"I agree, James. The bastard has already caused more than enough trouble for us all. I suggest you come by the office in the morning to file your official report. Conrad, you too." Nate gave them both a small smile, gesturing to the two young men that stood behind him, who promptly went to the unconscious man, checking the tightness of his bonds.

"Presley and Scott, take him round back to the carriage quietly. I shall join you shortly."

Nate stood up and walked to the door, stopping to shake hands with both Conrad and James.

"Very well done, both of you. Your hard work and diligence are commendable. But James, will I be losing an agent soon, then?" he queried sadly, looking him in the eyes.

"I believe not sir. Rather, there is another willing recruit for you."

All three men turned simultaneously towards the voice which had come from the door, where Olivia stood, smiling, with her hands folded demurely in front of her.

"I would like to be an agent for the crown, Mr. Nathaniel. And I would be honored ", she paused to take a breath at this juncture to look at her husband," if James would permit me to do so." She inwardly crossed her fingers, hoping James would agree. She knew she wanted to work as a spy, and really didn't want him to give up something he clearly enjoyed so much. Asking this so publicly was a risky thing but she couldn't help her impetuous nature. And who knew if she would ever get another chance like this again?

But surprisingly, Nate was the one to speak first.

"Lady Winchester, I apologize sincerely but at this stage in time, it is not feasible for a lady to work for the W.O. There are those who are constantly rallying against women equality in the Office as well and though I am not one of them, I am also not in the position to go against my superiors. But I promise you, if such a development were to occur, you shall be the first to be notified."

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