Chapter 9

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Hello again! :)

Apology time! :P

Unconventional apology I guess.... :/

This one is for GemmaLawrence31 , for falling for James from the first chapter itself! :)

Any ways I hope u guys enjoy!


James had, in his career as a spy/privateer, encountered the fiercest pirates, cutthroats, thieves, assassins, every ilk of scum the world had; even seen the inside of the dingiest prisons and dungeons. But if anyone would ask him, he would say that the forty-five minutes spent in the Gold salon were probably the worst of his life.

Why had he agreed to this again? Ah, the blasted whiskey! If he saw another bottle of the offending drink, he'd hurl it straight at Connie's head! Actually it'd be good to lay off drinking itself....

God alone knew what the woman would do next, after making him wait so long. A tea-tray had been sent a few minutes earlier, but he was too wound-up in his own turbulent thoughts to pay attention to it and the maid who brought it in (and stood staring at him for a few seconds admiring the caged beast prowling the room, before remembering her station) and left blushing slightly.

Suddenly, he whipped around to face the door, though the sound it made wasn't what told him of someone's presence, but it was the prickle of awareness that went through his body. Siren.


Olivia took a deep breath to steady herself, and entered the Gold salon, thankful that her mother had stopped sending a chaperone with her when she met gentlemen in her house.

The first thing that she noticed was James (Ugh!) . He had whipped around to face her as soon as she entered. Of course, she had wanted to stun him with her ensemble but the look on his face was much more than she had expected.

His eyes had widened slightly, one eyebrow rising a bit as he took a sharp intake of breath. But just two humming seconds later, he abruptly turned his back on her, and, she wouldn't have noticed it if she wasn't paying close attention to him, an almost imperceptible shudder racked his body.

Olivia was at a loss at what to do. She hadn't expected him to turn around. In fact if her traitorous emotions were to be believed, she was sad! Didn't he find her appealing?

Trying to appear calm, she put on a bright smile and called his name.


Dear lord, thought James, the Siren was going to drive him out of his mind.

Hell's teeth, whatever he had expected to happen, this possibility had not even crossed his mind. That she would look so beautiful, so utterly ravishing, not to mention appealing to his baser instincts, it just hadn't occurred to him.

The gold gown she was wearing had a low décolletage, showing just enough of her breasts as to remain fashionable and have every man at her feet. The silk caressed her every curve, before falling in a shimmery waterfall from the high waist. The sleeves exposed the smooth cream of her shoulders which longed for his kiss. And-

In between his appraisal of the beauty in front of him, he realized that every ounce of blood in his body had gone straight to his loins, making him throb painfully. He immediately turned his back on her, to spare her the view of what she had caused.

He knew it was the height of rudeness, but he had to get his body in control .A shudder racked his body as he took deep breaths.

He hadn't counted on her soft voice calling his name.



"What are you wearing?"Olivia was befuddled at the words coming out from James mouth.

"What am I wearing?"she repeated, still confused.

"Yes. What are you wearing, Olivia?" he reiterated, a bit of anger seeping through.

"What am I - oh James, this is ridiculous! Turn aro-" she was cut off in her protest.

"Are you trying to make me suffer for that day, Olivia? Okay then, I apologize. I admit, I was jealous when I saw you talking to Malory. You smiled at him. You never smiled while you spoke to me. I wanted to call the bastard out just because he made you smile. So stop doing this. You don't have to dress"-he gulped-"like that to get me to apologize."

To say Olivia was stunned would have been a big understatement. She had thought he would have said she looked ugly or something equally mortifying. Instead he had apologized! And he had said he was jealous! Of Will!

Suddenly Olivia became bold. She went softly and stood a few steps behind him, and whispered quietly, "James, turn around please."

James turned rigid as he heard her voice so close to him. But the soft plea in her voice, he could not ignore. He turned around, and found himself drowning in the depth of her eyes.

"Do you like it?", she said, smiling mischievously at him.

He closed his eyes and prayed for mercy. "Olivia-"

"You don't like it?", she said, crestfallen.

"I do."He almost growled. "I really like it."

"Open your eyes, James."

Sighing, he obeyed her.

And her lips touched his.


Muahahahaha! Yaay!!!!

Betcha weren't expecting that, huh? *evil grin*

I was listening to Wanted by Hunter Hayes when I wrote this, and it was perf!

*End of fangirling*

Tiny chap, I know but I wanted to end it here.... :(

Vote and comment dear readers!!!!!! Next vote gets a dedication! ;)


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