Chapter 2

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Hyeon pov

I joined a dance club because most of the girls in my class were there. I did not want to be the only one in a computer club. I would be seen like a nerd. I really tried to fit in with the other girls. I guess it was my bad luck because the 3 'popular' girls or should I say enemies was in the club too.

I accepted the fact that they were a much better dancer than me but I should not be judged by that fact. I will improve sometime in the future with more practice.

So, I tried to stay low. After a few months of training, I must say, I actually improved. I was not that good but I was average.

In my dance class, Nari, Seoyeon, Eunseo and Hoseok are the aces. I admire them although 3 of them are my enemies. I don't really know Hoseok except the fact that he is in my year but in a different class.

Once, I had to miss out a whole month of training because my grandmother was extremely sick. When I came back, the dance teacher started scolding me a lot. A competition was coming up and I still could not get the steps right. I understand that she wants the performance to be perfect but embarrassing me in front of everybody else was something I was mad about.

"Hyeon! Please get it together! We have a competition coming up and you are just messing it up. If you don't want to work hard then get out!" Ms. Kim shouted at me.

If I could, I would have hit you like hell woman.

"We don't need lazy people like you in our club." She continued.

Lazy? How am I lazy? I missed a whole month of training and you did not even ask me why. Are you even a teacher?

"Everyone else except Hyeon can take a rest. Repeat the step again." She instructed me.

Great. GOOD JOB HYEON. What happened to staying low? You are just embarrassing yourself right now. Look, everyone is looking at you! You're an idiot.

At the corner of my vision, I saw Nari, Seoyeon and Eunseo giggling. I clenched my teeth.

During lunch, I would go to the fire exit that no one really goes to and let out my feelings. After raging for quite sometime, I regained myself and revised the dance steps when suddenly I heard a loud bang. I was startled.

I hope nobody heard me talking to myself

When I opened the door, nobody was there. I gave out a big sigh of relief and headed to my next class.

Hoseok pov

"I kind of pity that girl.What is her name again?" I asked Chunghee.

"I think her name was Hyeon. She missed a whole month of trainning so its kind of expected that she won't be able to catch up."

"I'm just going to go somewhere else during lunch so I won't be hanging out with you" Chunghee nodded.

I decided to follow Hyeon. I was really curious about her. Why is she heading towards the fire exit not the canteen? I decided to put my ear against the door.

"Argh!!! I really want to hit all of you so much!! How dare you laugh at me!" I heard her raged.

While listening to all her frustrations, I accidently kicked the door. "Aish" I muttered under my breath and ran off hoping that she did not see me.

The next day, I followed her to the fire exit again. This time, I went in to see her. She was suprised at first but then she kindly let me sit with her. An akward silence filled the air.

Suddenly, her stomach growled. I giggled and took out my lunch and shared it with her.

"I'm sorry. I was too hungry. I don't have my lunch because... umm..... I was in a hurry" I could tell she was lying but I refused to ask her more.

" If you don't mind me asking, why did you miss a whole month of training?"
After much hesitation, she let out a big sigh.

"I'm sorry for lying. Actually, my grandmother is extremely sick so my mother is busy taking care of her till late at night. She doesn't have time to make lunch for me."

I made a mental note to bring more food with me.

"I also have apologise. I'm sorry for listening to you talking to yourself yesterday," Her whole face turned red with embarrassment.

"By the way, why do you want to be my friend so much? Didn't you hear the stupid rumours? Aren't you scared that people would think that you are friends with a 'thief'." She rolled her eyes when saying the word thief. "Those dumb people." I heard her murmuring the last sentence.

"I don't think you are a thief actually. You look really nice. That is why I wanna be your friend; to know you better. I don't judge a book by its cover"

"And, if you don't mind, I can actually teach you the dance steps. And don't worry, I won't tell the others about your situation and your secret hideout. You can trust me"

"Pinky promise?" I smiled and pinky promised.

Hyeon pov

I was suprised that Hoseok wanted to be my friend. I tried lying to him about my situation since I can't really trust him yet but I guess he saw through my lie.

Man, why am I so bad at lying!

I realised that he was the one who accidently hit the door yesterday. My heart fluttered at him believing in me and that I wasn't a thief. After making a promise with him, I asked myself, Was he really trustable?

And that was our first meeting. The question that I asked myself was answered; he is trustable.


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