Chapter 4

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Hyeon pov

Hoseok invited me to his house over the weekends and introduced me to his friends, the Bangtan Boys.

The charismatic one is Namjoon, Rap Monster. The flower boy is Seokjin, Jin. The swaggy looking is Yoongi, Suga. The cute one is Jimin. The funny one is Taehyung, V and the Golden one is Jungkook.

Since Jihye and Namjung already told me about them, I already memorised their names. But I just went along with it anyway, I don't want them to think that I was a stalker or something.

Suga and Jin are older than me, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook is younger than me. Rap Monster and I are same aged friends.

"Since Hoseok's oppa nickname, J-hope, has a meaning, I'm guessing there is a meaning behind Rap Monster and Suga too?" I asked, full of curiosity.

"Rap Monster is my nickname because the rest of my members agree that I am really good at rapping, especially freestyles." He showed me a demonstration.

My mouth was hanged open. "Woah, your rap skills are really daebak!" I gave a thumbs up.

"What about Suga?"

"As you can see, my skin is pale, and I'm pretty when I smile and also because I am sweet." Suga showed off.

I giggled. "Actually you do look sweet when you show your gummy smile.' I complimented him.

"And if you don't mind, I'm going to call you by your real names. It's a bit weird for me to call you by your nicknames. But I'm going to call Seokjin oppa by his nickname. because its easier."

"Yeah, we're okay with it." They said.

The Bangtan boys are really fun to hangout with. But I feel like they were akward with me as I am very quiet. After asking about their names I have nothing else to talk about.

"Hyeon, why are you so quiet? This isnt like you. You were always crazy around me" asked Hoseok.

"Ani, its just that I'm really shy around you guys... I'm not good with people, I'm really akward. I don't really know what to talk about..." They nodded.

"Noona, you look very familiar. Have we met before?" Asked Jimin.

"I don't remember meeting you before,"

"Ah,right. Jimin,she was one of the dancers in the competition." Said Hoseok to Jimin.

"Which competition?" Jimin asked.


" Oh... OH YEAH! I remember! But Noona still does not recognise me." Jimin pouted.

Hoseok handed me a picture that we, dancers of Gwangju primary school, took with our rival, the dancers of Busan primary school. In the Korean Youth Dance Festival, both schools won a tied 1st place. So we took a group picture to celebrate our victory. I looked closely at the picture.

"Now I remember! You are from Busan primary school! Wow, you look so different now. I mean like you look like a baby in the picture, no offence, and now you look really manly. It's like puberty hit you like a truck"I commented on his looks.

"I know right? Many girls are head over heels for me~~" Jimin wriggled his eyebrows. I laughed at his actions. Well, he is right though. And one of them is Jihye. I feel like I wanna pair them up together. I smiled sheepishly at the thought.

"Hyeon, do you still have a passion for dancing? Do you want to join our school's dance club?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah sure. Is there an audition or something?"

"Well, I could ask the dance instructor tomorrow and see if you could join in." I nodded.

The 3 of us continued talking about our school memories. The others could not join the conversation since they could not relate to it. So, Taehyung and Jungkook played videogames while Namjoon oppa, Seokjin oppa and Yoongi oppa played with their phones.

Hoseok pov

Later in the evening, after sending Hyeon home, Jimin talked to me separately.

"Hyung, is she the one that you have been talking about?" I nodded.

"But don't tell anyone. Actually yeah, she is the one, my best friend and also my first love. I was actually worried when I lost contact with her. I thought we would never meet again"

"When are you going to confess to her?"

"I don't know, I don't have the courage to"

"Maybe you need a bit more time. Fighting! If you need advice, you can depend on me" Jimin gave me a sheepish smile.

"Yeahhhh rightttttt . If you are a love expert, why don't you have a girlfriend yet? Pick one instead of just flirting with those girls which are really in love with you."

"I will, just watch me hyung. But not now. By the way, the girls are not my type really. Besides, I do have someone that I kinda have an interest in"

"Care to tell who it is?"

"I'll tell you sooner or later." I nodded. I wonder who is that girl who got Jimin's heart.

The next day

"Hyeon!! How did the audition go?" I waved at Hyeon.

"I passed!! I'm a member now!"

"Great! You still have the skills huh?"
She smiled.

"Then are you coming to training today?"

"Yup!" She nodded.

Dance Training

Hyeon pov

I was sweating profusely from all those training. I caught the cold water bottle Hoseok oppa threw at me.

"Thanks!" I smiled at him. I wiped my sweat using a towel and drank the water. It was so refreshing.

"Wow Hyeon, your dancing really improved a lot!" Hoseok oppa praised me.

"Thanks for the compliment. But, I'm not really good as you and Jimin yet. I need to work harder to be in the same level as you guys."

"Okay then. We are always here when you need help in dancing. Do rely on us for help" Jimin smiled.

"Thank you. My goal is to be good as you guys so please teach me your skills. Please take care of me seonsengnims" I said bowing gratefully.

Soon, I actually got closer to Bangtan and I started to open up. They were like my brothers now.

One day during dance training, the dance instructor introduced 3 students.
"Okay class, listen up. We have 3 new dancers in the team.Their names are-"

I don't even need to know their name, I already knew. I guess my highschool is going to be ruined by them again. I'll accept the situation but I won't let it affect me.

"They achieved a lot of dance awards and they got to this school through a dance scholarship. So, I hope you can learn a lot from them."

Learn from them? HELL NO. I'm going to proof to them that I'm just as good or not, even BETTER then my enemies. I accept this challenge.

Hoseok pov

I did not really paid attention to what the instructor was saying about the new students. I looked at Hyeon and she was looking so tensed and really angry. She was glaring at something. I followed her direction of vision and saw the 3 familiar girls who bullied Hyeon back then. Hyeon kept staring at them as if she was shooting lasers out of her eyes. I don't have a good feeling about this....

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