Chapter 15

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Hoseok Pov

Jin and Yoongi hyung came over to my house and drove Namjoon and I to the graduation venue.

"Thanks for sending us hyung. I wonder when are the girls are going to arrive. I'm so curious about how they look like. Especially my Honey" I said while waiting for Hyeon.

"Aish, why are you so cheesy. Soomin called and they are on their way here." said Yoongi after ending the call.

"Soomin noona is with them?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah together with Jina. Jina and Soomin helped them in preparing," Jin answered. Not long after, the girls arrived. Our mouth hanged open when we saw them.

"Wahh, my girlfriend is so beautiful!" Namjoon complimented Namjung.

"You're really look so stunning tonight Hyeon," She blushed when I complimented her.

"I really like your hairstyle oppa! 예상대로, 내 남자 친구는 정말 멋지다! (As expected, my boyfriend is really cool!)"

"고마워!(Thank you)" I smiled at her.

"You guys should go in now, the prom is starting. Have fun!" Soomin noona ushered us in.

The prom was really grand. I didn't know the school could afford this.

"Hyeon ssi, Shall we dance?" I offered her my hand and we started dancing to the slow music. When we were dancing, I went closer to Hyeon and gave her a kiss on the lips. I smiled at the sight of her blushing.

"Why are you showing your affection in public?" Namjung teased us.

"Babe, don't mind them. Let's dance too. We can't lose." Namjoon showered Namjung with kisses.

"Aish, who's showing their public display of affection now?" I teased them. The atmosphere was somewhat romantic when suddenly, someone bust the door open. The music stopped.

"WUSSUP EVERYBODY!!" Taehyung shouted.

"Why is the prom so formal? It's not hopeful enough, right Hoseok hyung? Let's loosen up! Yoongi hyung! Turn up the music!" Jungkook pulled me and Namjoon to the centre.

Hyeon pov

What a surprise seeing the rest of Bangtan. Yoongi oppa turned up the music. I was laughing so hard at the music. It was a series of girl group songs. Bangtan started dancing to it. My stomach hurt laughing at them. Hoseok and Namjoon are wearing suits and they are dancing so frivolously.

"아...너무 창피해...(Ah... It's so embarrassing...)"I giggled covered my face while seeing them dancing.

"그지?너무 민망 하다! 표정이,너무 웃겨!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ(Right? Its so embarrassing! Their facial expressions are so funny!! kekekeke)" Namjung laughed at Namjoon dancing with his face.

"Okay! Play time is over!! Now, let's have a dance battle!" Yoongi oppa changed the song. The atmosphere changed to a serious one all of a sudden.

I watched Hoseok oppa dancing. It was really cool. Nobody can beat him when it comes to dancing really. He is really talented in terms of dancing.

"He's really on a different level when dancing," Soomin unnie complimented Hoseok oppa.

"역시, 내 사랑하는 남친,(As expected, that's my beloved boyfriend)" I said proudly.

After the hot dance battle, we stuffed ourselves with food.

"Let's take a group picture after this. Too bad Jihye, Hyejeong and Minhee isn't here," Soomin suggested.

"It's okay, we'll take another group picture in formal clothing on the 'special day'. It could be 'special days' though," Jina smirked at Jin.

"What special day? I don't get it?" I asked.

"We would have another gathering in a few days time. Jina and I has something important to announce." Jin smiled at Jina.

"Something smells fishy?" Namjung raised her eyebrows.

"I know right?" Hoseok agreed.

"Is it a good thing or a bad thing?" Namjoon asked.

"You'll see," Jin answered.

I have not called my parents in a very long time. I decided to call them today.

"Why are they not answering their phone?" I tried calling my parents but it could not get connected.

"Fine, I'll just call them tomorrow," I said to myself and made my way to the toilet to wash my face. While wiping my face with a towel, I turned on my computer. 5 miss calls from Mum.

My parents wanted to face time me. I called them back.

"Omma, Appa! Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"Oh, Hyeon ah. Mianhe, we are on a holiday now,"

"Where? Why didn't you tell me? Sorry to disturb you both..."

"Gwenchana. We are in jeju island now. Where is Hoseok?" My mum asked.

I called Hoseok oppa to the room.

"안녕하세요! 아버님, 어머님!( Hello! Father, Mother!) " Hoseok oppa said cheerfully.

"Oh! My future son-in-law! How are you?" My dad greeted him back.

"Son-in-law????" I choked on the water I was drinking."What are you talking about?"

"Did everything go well?" My mom asked.

Hoseok oppa nodded.

"Oh, jinjja? Congratulations then!!" My mom clapped.

"Can someone explain?" I gave a confused look.

"You don't have to understand it, my daughter. I'm sooo happy right now!! Congratulations on your relationship!!" My dad said happily.

I blushed. Ah... That's why they called him son-in-law.. Aishh.. I'm sooo shy...

"Kamsahamnida!! I'll take good care of your daughter!" Hoseok oppa held my hand.

"It seems that my daughter is all grown up! We are going to end the call now so have a good night rest you two!"

"You too, good night!" And we ended the call.

"Hyeon ah, Good night!" Hoseok oppa kissed my cheek.

"Good night," I smiled at him.

"Where's mine?" Hoseok oppa asked.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" He pointed at his cheek.

I smiled and gave him a kiss.

Next few days

"Honey! Get ready. We have to go out now,"

"Why? There is no more school. Are we going somewhere?"

"Did you forget? All of us are going to meet up today. Jin and Jina has something important to tell of us remember?"

"Ah, right. I forgot. Okay then, give me 10 minutes."


"Okay guys, you know about the important announcement..." Jin smiled.

"What is it? What's with all the suspense? I'm sooo curious!!" Jungkook said eagerly.

"Oh wait, by the way, we have something to tell you guys too but after Jin hyung's announcement." Said Yoongi oppa.

"It can't be the same thing as us is it?" Asked Jina unnie.

"Well is it?" Soomin unnie asked.

"What are you guys on about? Please tell us the announcement now Jin hyung!" Taehyung nodded, agreeing with Jimin.

"Okay the thing is...."

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