Chapter 11

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Hyeon pov

*ring* I checked my phone. It was Jimin. I answered the call.

"Yeobuseyo?Oh, Jimin ah"

"Annyeong noona. Where is Hoseok hyung?

"Probably in the shower, why?"

"Okay, go to your room and lock the door. And when you are talking to me, keep your voice low."


"Just do it!!"

"Fine." I went to my room and locked my door. "Done."

"Okay, Keep this between us okay? Promise me you won't tell anybody"

"Just tell me already. The curiosity is killing me."

"But I still don't know if I can trust you or not..." Jimin hesitated.

"I think I know what it is. Is it Jihye ?"


"Duh, it's so obvious that you two were blushing."

"... Well, Is she coming to the picnic?"

"Yeah I think so. But why didn't you text her or something and ask? Do you even have her phone number?"

"We got closer during at the amusement park and we did exchange numbers but.. I don't have the courage to ask her. I'm really shy you know..."

"Okay then, I'll help you."


I smirked as I ended the call. The plan is finally working!!

The next morning

I woke up at 9 am. I was so tired from all the things that we did yesterday. It was really fun! I hope the 14 of us can go out together often. I took my phone from beside my bed and checked my whatsapp. Jin made a group chat and added all 14 of us.

Jin: Can someone add Jihye? I don't have her phone number

*Jihye is added to the group chat*

Jin: Place: Hangang Park

Time: 3pm

Please bring your own food and we would share. I'll see you there then.

I got up and took a shower. I wore my home clothes since the outing was at 3pm. I went down to the kitchen and see what I could make with all the ingredients. I made a group chat with only the girls in it and asked them about what they would be bringing.

Me: Hey girls, why don't each of us bring different dishes. I don't want all of us to bring the same food so...

Jina: Yeah sure, that's a good idea. I'm going to make beef stuffed korean peppers.

Jihye: I'm going to make cod fillets

Hyejeong: I'll make Kimbap

Namjung:I'll make Gaeran Mari (Korean rolled egg omelette)

Minhee:I'll make some sweet rice cakes since I can only make desserts.

Soomin:Yeah me too. I'll make Korean chestnut dessert

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