Chapter 10

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Hoseok pov

It was night time when we reached Seoul.. We had eaten our dinner outside.

"Oppa, I'll be going to sleep now." Hyeon said to me and went to her room.

I guess she is still feeling down... I hope she would return to her happy self soon.

Hyeon pov

I went to my room, changed my clothes and lay down in my bed. I stared at the picture of me and Halmoni. I believe you are in a better place now, Halmoni. I said and closed my eyes.

" Omma! Appa! Halmoni is awake! Call the doctor! I woke them up. I rushed back to Halmoni's side.

"Halmoni, are you okay? Don't worry the doctor is coming soon to check up on you."

"Hyeon, I don't have much time left. The bracelet in my room is for you. Study hard okay? I love you."

"Arrasseo Halmoni," She smiled and closed her eyes.

"Halmoni, Don't sleep first. Let's talk while we wait for the doctor."

*beeeeeep*. I looked at the machine. A straight line was shown. NO, it can't be! The machine is spoilt!

"Halmoni? Halmoni!! Wake up please!" I shouted.

The doctor came running in the room and checked on Halmoni. "Please move aside,"

My parents and I waited nervously. I could not stay still. I saw the doctor using the defibrillator, trying to save my grandmother right in front of my eyes.

The doctor kept trying to bring her back to life but to no avail.

"I'm sorry..."

"NO! HALMONI NO!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" I woke up sweating.

Hoseok oppa came in and gave me a hug.

"It's okay Hyeon, I'm here, don't worry," He patted my back. After I calmed down, I fell asleep in his arms.

Hoseok pov

"NO! HALMONI NO!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" I heard Hyeon shouting. I immediately came into her room to calm her down.

"It's okay Hyeon, I'm here, don't worry," I calmed her down. Soon after, she fell asleep in my arms. I looked at her sleeping face. She's so beautiful... I laid her down on her bed. I wanted to stay with her, as in sleep with her and Hyeon using my arm as her pillow. I want to hold her tight really badly but I made a promise to her dad that I won't do anything. I left her room and went to mine.

Next Morning

Hyeon pov

"I'm really sorry about last night Oppa. It was my first time seeing someone die in front of me like that. I was really close with Halmoni so I could not accept the fact that she was ... gone."

"It's okay. I understand." Hoseok oppa smiled at me.

A few days before finals

"ARG!!!! WHY DOES -9 × 6 = -54?? I DID GET 54 BUT THAT STUPID NEGATIVEEE! I DON'T GET ITTTT!!" (A/N:Does anybody feels like this? I usually get the numbers right but the signs mixed up. I always rage when it comes adding, subtracting,dividing and multiplying negatives -.-')

"Gee, you finally raged. You looked like you were going to explode earlier" I explained to him the correct way.

About 15 minutes after that, he raged again.

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