Chapter 6

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Hyeon pov

Since I always hang out with Bangtan, I invited Jihye to join me, not wanting to leave her alone. She did not join as often because she was shy around Jimin. As for Namjung, she doesn't hang out with me and Jihye for lunch as often. She always stays in the music classroom. I guess she is really passionate about music. The Bangtan boys always come over to Hoseok oppa's house. At first, they were quite suprised that I was living with Hoseok oppa.

After explaining the situation, they started teasing us. They were like how can a girl and a boy live in the same house without having feelings towards each other. I do admit that I have some feelings for Hoseok but I will try to limit it to not destroy our friendship.

Hoseok pov

"Hyung, have you taken it to the next step? Wow, you're fast." Jimin smirked.

"No, it's not like that. She was in danger the other day and I can't stop worrying about her."

"Well okay. Just confess to her. It's frustrating to see you both like each other without you both realising it"

"My heart still beats fast around her. I don't want to destroy our friendship. What if it becomes really awkward, and she leaves the house? I don't want to be far away from her."

"Awwhh that's so cute."

"Did you say she likes me?" Jimin nodded.

"It's really obvious you know."

"Nah, stop pulling my leg. You're just saying that because you want me to build confidence and confess to her. I can see through you Jimin"

Jimin was about to say something when his phone rang.

"Well it's okay if you don't want to believe me," He said before answering the call.

Hyeon pov

Hoseok and I was walking around the school before class when we bumped into Nari.

"Hello! Long time no see, my friends. Can I speak to you for awhile?" Nari looked at me.

" Sure. I'll see you in class then Hoseok oppa" I waved to Hoseok oppa and followed Nari. I was really mad at what she had done to me in the past. But I thought I should start a new now. Maybe she changed? Besides, I'm really curious to what she has to say.

Once Hoseok was out of sight, Nari slapped me in the face.

"What the hell are you doing flirting around with my Hoseok huh?"

I did not expect that at all. I guess she did not change.

" Your Hoseok? I did not remember Hoseok telling me that you were dating with him. Or is it all in your head?" I smirked.

"You little-" She slapped me again. "You better watch out. I'm going to make your life a living hell and you-"

"Look, I don't have time for your nonsense. I gotta go." I walked away.

She was not satisfied at all and started running towards me and pushed me to the ground. There was a scratch on my knee. Now this action by Nari really got my blood boiling. She then pulled my hair which felt like she was pulling my scalp off.

"You better let go or I will do something that will make you regret."

"Oh yeah?" she scoffed. "Bring it on then"

I could not hold my anger much longer and kicked her in the stomach. I watched her winced in pain.

"I'm willing to forgive you and forget what you did. I don't want to fight with you" I sighed and offered my hand. She slapped my hand away.

"Shut up. I don't need your help. I will never be friends with you"

"Okay, If that is what you want." I walked away and head towards the nurse office to get a plaster, clean my bruise and got back to class.

"What happened to your knee?" Hoseok asked. "I fell down" I replied shortly.

On the way back home, Hoseok oppa's house, I did not talk to Hoseok oppa much. I was thinking about what Nari said to me earlier.

"Hyeon? Are you okay? You seemed so zoned out." He waved his hand in front of my face.

"Uh?" I finally snapped out of it.

"Is something bothering you?"

"Nah, I'm okay"I lied.

"Is it because of what Nari said earlier?" My eyes widened. I stopped in my tracks.

"Were you there? How did you know what she said?"

"I don't know what happened but Nari is not the type of person to be so nice to you. Will you tell me what happen?"

"Actually, we had a fight. But she started it first! I gave her a chance to let go of me but she did not, so I kicked her in the stomach."

"If it's like that, then is the bruise on your knee is from her pushing you?" I nodded.

"Truthfully, I actually wanted to forgive her about bullying me back then. But I guess she is not backing down. I am actually scared of her. Oppa, you know her personality right? She is really really savage. What if she does something really bad to me and put me in the worse situation ever? What if she tries to kill me or something?" I asked worriedly.

"Don't say things like that. I don't think her hatred towards you is enough to kill you. You'll be fine. I'll protect you, I promise." He smiled. "Now let's go!"

Hearing him saying that really calmed me down. I felt protected.

However, that didn't actually removed my worries about her completely. What Hoseok did not know is, ever since he left, Nari bullied me even more. She's no joke really. Once she put her mind to something, she would do whatever to get it. That's why I kind of regret provoking her even though she deserved it.

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