Chapter 14

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Hyeon pov

"Omma! Appa! Halmoni is awake! Call the doctor!" I woke them up. I rushed back to Halmoni's side."

"Halmoni, are you okay? Don't worry the doctor is coming soon to check up on you."

"Hyeon, I don't have much time left. The bracelet in my room is for you. Study hard okay? I love you."

"Arrasseo Halmoni," She smiled and closed her eyes.

"Halmoni, Don't sleep first. Let's talk while we wait for the doctor."

*beeeeeep*. I looked at the machine. A straight line was shown. NO, it can't be! The machine is spoilt!

"Halmoni? Halmoni!! Wake up please!" I shouted.

The doctor came running in the room and checked on Halmoni. "Please move aside,"

My parents and I waited nervously. I could not stay still. I saw the doctor using the defibrillator, trying to save grandmother right in front of my eyes.

The doctor kept trying to bring my gtandmother back to life but to no avail.

"I'm sorry..."

I woke up sweating once again. Tears started streaming down my face. I bring my knees close to my chest and put my head down. Suddenly, I felt a hug.

Hoseok pov

I went to check on Hyeon after taking a shower. She was on her bed crying. I guess what she saw earlier, doctors trying to save a patient, really affected her. I hugged her to calm her down.

"Oppa, can you stay here? I'm scared," I nodded and we lied down on the bed. She used my arm as a pillow. (A/N: Look at the picture I included to give you a visualisation :D)


Hyeon pov

It was lunch time and Hoseok oppa was nowhere to be found.

"Have any of you guys know where Hoseok oppa went?"

"Your boyfriend has something important to do so he won't join us for lunch," Yoongi answered.

Hoseok pov

During lunch, I went to look for Nari.

"Ya, can I talk to you separately?"

"Of course, anything for my darling,"

"Whatever, just follow me." I rolled my eyes at her.

"You better not harm Hyeon and try to destroy our relationship again. I'm warning you." I gave her a glare.

"But I love you Hoseok ah. I'm sorry, I won't do it again. Just be with me and forget about that girl. I'm 100 times, actually, even more better than her. WHY DO YOU STILL LIKE HER?" She shouted at me and gave a pitiful look.

"You better shut that mouth of yours. I love Hyeon and I'm going to be by her side no matter what. Don't throw yourself at me because I'm not worth it. You deserve someone else."

"NO! YOU ARE BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE! Please reconsider your decision." She begged me.

"I'll be staying with Hyeon and that is final. You better give up on trying to break us up," I walked away, leaving her behind.

"Okay class, guess what? Drum roll please..." The whole class drum rolled using our table.

"Your prom night is on Friday!!! Please choose a partner by then!" The whole class cheered. I wasn't interested in the prom night when I first heard about it. I thought it's not worth it since I won't be going with someone I was interested in. Now that Hyeon and I met again, I'm really happy to ask her to be my prom partner.

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