Chapter 9

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Hyeon pov

I have 2 weeks to prepare for the finals. Hoseok oppa and I studied late together. We went into the study room because that is the only room in the house that has no distractions. If we study in living room, we would be tempted to watch the television or play the video games. I never actually played the video games because I was too busy doing something else. If I stayed in my room, I would be studying on the bed, and end up sleeping. It was 10 pm and my eyes was starting to close...

"Hyeon, I'm just going to prepare some snacks. I'm so hungry from all this studying.."

"Yeah sure."

I got up from my seat and went to the toilet to wash my face. Maybe it would help me to refresh my brain and stay awake a little more. I continued studying when I received a call.


"Hyeon... Your grandmother..." I heard my mom sobbing from the other side of the line. No w-wait, it can't be... Maybe I'm just overthinking...

" Mom? What happened to Halmoni?"


"Tell me mom! What is happening?" My voice was shaking.

"Hyeon.. Your grandmother is... in the hospital... in critical condition" My dad finished the sentence for my mom.

I was panicking really hard. I took my jacket and wallet and sneaked out of the house. I caught a cab and went to the train station.

I wanted to take the plane but I would have to pay a large amount of money because it is an emergency. I didn't have enough money to do so. Taking the bus would take about 4 and a half hours... I decided to take the train.

Halmoni, hang in there...

I was lucky because there was only one train left from Seoul to Gwangju.

*ping* I got a few messages and phone calls by Hoseok oppa. He must be so worried.

'Where are you?'

'Don't worry Hoseok oppa I left for Gwangju. I'm going to stay there for at least 5 days . It's something urgent.' I texted him.

'You should not have left the house like that! I could have companied you. What happened?' He texted back.

I did not reply back. I was so tired from all the late night studying. I can't keep my eyes open anymore. I fell asleep awhile after.

I arrived in Gwangju around 3 am in the morning. I called my mom as soon as I got out of the train station.

"Mom? Which hospital are you at?" I said as soon as she picked up the phone.

"GJ Hopital"

I ended the call almost immediately and made my way to the hospital.

"Omma!" I ran and hugged her.

"Hyeon ah," She started crying on my shoulder.

"Your grandmother is in the operation room. We have to wait for the doctor's news now." My dad explained the situation. I nodded and waited patiently. I fell asleep while waiting.

"Hyeon, wake up. The doctor said we could visit your grandmother." My dad shook my shoulder.

When I saw halmoni lying with all the machines around her, I could not stop crying.

"Halmoni please talk to me.. Please wake up."

About an hour later, my grandmother started to move her hands. "Hyeon- ah" She said weakly.

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