Chapter 8

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Hyeon pov

I woke up earlier today to make some breakfast. After changing into my uniform, I decided to check on Hoseok oppa.

Knock Knock. "Oppa, are you ready? We are going to be late for school if you don't get ready in 10 minutes."

"Hyeon ah, could you come in here for a second?" Hoseok oppa answered. Well that's weird. Why does his voice sounded so hoarse?

"Oppa, are you okay?" I put my hand on his forehead to check his temperature. "I think you are sick. Don't go to school today, I'll tell the teacher that you are sick."

I went out of the room and looked at my watch. I still have time. I went to the kitchen and cooked up some porridge. I looked in the cabinet to get some fever pills. Huh? It's not there?

I scooped up some porridge and served it in a bowl. I searched for a water bottle and filled it up with water and went to his room.

"Here is some porridge and make sure you drink water." I put the tray on the table near his bed. "I want to see this water bottle finished up when I come home from school. By the way, where is your fever pills? Why is there no medication pills at all in your house?"

"I think it's finished. It's okay, I'll take care of myself. Don't worry."

"I'm going to school now. I'll be back soon. Oh and for lunch just eat the remaining porridge."

"Okay, Omma..." I laughed at his response and made my way to school.

In class

My homeroom teacher was calling out the role.

"Hoseok? Is Hoseok not here?"

"He's sick Mister" My teacher nodded.

Nari pov

"How does she know that J-hope oppa is sick? Is there something between them?" Eunseo asked.

"Of course she knows stupid. They are friends. He probably texted her or something." I answered.

Actually, I am jealous that they know that one another is sick.

"Don't you think something is up? Last few weeks, Hyeon was sick and J-hope told the teacher that. It's like they know about each other a lot." Said Seoyeon. "Actually," Seoyeon was about to say something but she hesitated.

"Spill it out,"

"I saw Hyeon and Hoseok going back from school together every single day. And I saw them going into the same house. So, I thought maybe, they were living together?"

"They are bestfriends of course they would go to each other's houses and hang out." I rolled my eyes.

Urg, that's why I hate her so much.

"Why don't we follow her back home? And if the next morning, she comes out of the house with J-Hope, then it is confirmed that they are living together." Eunseo suggested.

"You finally suggested something useful" I rolled my eyes at her. "Let's do it."

Hyeon pov

After school, I made my way to the nearest pharmacy store. I bought some medication pills. Then, I went to the supermarket to buy some ingredients. Hmm.. maybe I should have made a list of things that is not at home...Didn't he said that he always eat out?

I ended up buying a lot of stuff, even household things, such as toothpaste. Luckily, I had enough money.

I felt like someone was following me. Everytime I look back, there was nobody there. I shrugged the feeling off and made my way home quickly.

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