Chapter 16

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Hoseok pov

"Okay so, the thing is...Jina and I are getting married!" Jin and Jina smiled at each other.

"WAHHHHH CONGRATULATIONS!!!" All of us congratulated the couple except Yoongi oppa and Soomin unnie. They just stared at each other and suddenly broke into a smile.

"Yoongi hyung, why are you quiet?" Namjoon asked.

"Well... suprisingly... We are planning to get married too.." Yoongi flashed his gummy smile.

"WAHHH!! THERE'S TWO COUPLES GETTING MARRIED!!" We congratulated the 4 of them.

"Since I'm in a good mood today, I'm going to treat all of you! Just order all you want!" I exclaimed.

"Ah jinjja??? FREE FOOD!! THANK YOU HOSEOK AHHH!!!" Jin started to order a whole list of things.

"Okay! I'm going to eat lots of food today since you're paying!!" Hyeon said excitedly.

" What are you talking about? I'm not paying, WE'RE paying," I smirked at her.

" What? Why?" She pouted. "It's going to be so expensive since they are 18 people...."

"Because we are a couple. And why 18 people? There are only 14 of us"

"Jin and Jina has monsters in their stomachs. They can literally eat everything on the menu!" Hyeon whispered.

" I heard that!" Jin and Jina said together and then both of them proceeding to eat a whole chicken each.

All of us laughed at their reaction.

"I think you are right," Jimin laughed.

"Don't worry about the bill, I'll take care of it," I assured Hyeon. She thanked me and I watched all of them eating happily. I took a picture of the beautiful scene of them stuffing their mouths. I smiled looking at the picture I took.

New Year, February, Valentines Day

Hoseok pov

"Hmm, what should I get for Hyeon? Chocolates are too mainstream..." I walked around the store, looking for something nice to give Hyeon.

"Honey! come down,"

"Here is your gift!" I gave her a heart-shaped container filled with heart-shaped kimbap.

"Omo! Thank you! I was worried you would give me chocolates... You still remember?"

"Of course!"


Valentine day, 4 years ago...

"It's Valentine day today... You are suppose to give it to someone you love. Please accept it," Chunghee gave Hyeon a box of chocolates.

"Thank you," Hyeon smiled at Chunghee.

"Hey Hyeon, why don't you eat these chocolates?" I asked Hyeon.

"You can eat it if you want. I don't really eat chocolates, it's too sweet. I would rather a whole bunch of kimbap rather than this,"

"Then why didn't you just gave him back the chocolates?"

"I don't want to hurt his feelings."

-End of flashback-

Hyeon pov

I felt so touched at the present.

"Okay then, it's my turn now." I took out a teddy bear which was wearing a hoodie written hope on it."I know this isn't much,I'm sorry.."

"It's shooo cuteee. Thank you Honey!" He flashed his bright smile at me.

"Let's go out for a date. Where do you want to go?"

"I don't actually want to go anywhere special, I just want to eat!" I was feeling so hungry.

"Let's go to a restaurant and eat steak then!" I nodded and got ready.

Hoseok's Birthday

"Oppa, here you go, Happy Birthday!" I gave him a box wrapped with a ribbon.

"Wah, What is this?"

"Open it up!"

It was a book filled with drawings of him. "I call it the 'Evolution of J-hope'" I said proudly.

"That's a really nice name. But I don't like it,"

"But why?" I was taken aback. I was hurt by what he said.

"I don't like it... but.. I LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much! But when did you make this? How did you draw the baby version of me?" He hugged me.

"Aishhh you scared me!! " I hit him playfully. He smiled innocently.

"I found your childhood photo album while I was cleaning up the house. So, I used it as a reference."

"You are really so talented! No wonder you have an art scholarship! Thank you once again!" He gave me a peck.

"Honey, I have an idea!"

"What is it?"

"Why don't you make your version of this. The 'Evolution of Hyeon'. Then we can show the books to our children!"

"Our children?" I blushed at what he said.

"Yup! I'm sorry you have to draw it yourself though.. I can't really draw...Suga hyung and I are the worst at drawing. Once, I tried to draw a dog and my members thought it was a horse. Then, I tried to draw Namjoon and they thought it was a lion."

"Who's the worst between the two of you?"

"...Me.." He hesitated.

"Really? Show me your drawing! It can't be that bad right? Draw something," I gave him a piece of paper and a pencil.

"Done!"He said proudly. I looked at his drawing. I laughed out loud.

"Ya! How can you laugh at my drawing...." He pouted.

"I'm sorry, it's just," I giggled.

"Fine, laugh at it all you want," He sulked.

"Aish, I'm sorry... but we are fair aren't we? You are good at dancing and I'm good at drawing," I tried cheering him up.

"Well that's true. You dance like a chicken," He teased me.

"What? Are you dissing my dancing now?" I placed my hands at my hips.

Hoseok oppa flapped his arms. "You look like this when you dance."

"Ya! Does that even make sense? Well, your drawing sucks too! Is that a butterfly or a chicken?"

We laughed at each other.

"Why are we even fighting over this?"

"I know right? We are so childish!"

1 Year later

"Omo! Unnie! You look so stunning! I can't wait to see Jin oppa's reaction!" I complimented Jina unnie.

"I know right!" Jihye and Namjung agreed. Jina unnie smiled.

"Thank you, you are all going to be in this position later on too! Soomin ah, you have a few months left right?"

"Yup, but it feels so far away... I can't wait!"

"CONGRATULATIONS UNNIE!!!!" The maknaes (Hyejeong and Minhee) shouted hugging Jina unnie.

"Oh wasso? Gumawo maknae deul!"

It was time for the wedding. We proceeded to our seats. I sat beside Hoseok oppa.

"May the bride enter,"

We watched the wedding ceremony. I was smilling the whole time because I found them really cute. I wonder when will it be my turn...

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