Chapter 3

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2 years later...

Hyeon pov

A year after I graduated from primary school, my parents got a call. They said that I got an art scholarship. I was going to be transferred to Seoul high school of the arts. I was so happy at first but then my parents told me that I would be going alone. Since my grandmother was really sick, my parents can't leave her.

"But Mum, Dad, I don't want to leave grandmother. I know this is a good opportunity but-"

"Grandmother is going to arrive here. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to fetch your grandmother. She is going to live here with us so you do not need to worry. After a week, you would be moving to Seoul. We already prepared an apartment for you." My father cut me off.

I sighed in defeat. I can't really go against my parents, especially my father.

"Go to your room and pack up your stuff for Seoul." I dragged myself to my room and started packing.

The next day, in the afternoon, my grandmother arrrived. I welcomed her with a big hug. I have not seen her for a very long time. It hurts my heart seeing her so sick. She looked so pale.

"Grandma!! I missed you so much!! We are going to sleep together so let me bring your luggage up to my room" I said excitedly.

"Oh, Hyeon! My granddaughter! I missed you too" She gave me a kiss on my cheek. I led her to my room and put her luggage aside.

After lunch, my grandmother called me to the room while I was watching the television.

"Hyeon, Go and get ready. We are going out to take a family photo."

"Hmm? Why so sudden?" I asked.

"Why? Is it wrong to take pictures with my family? I'm sick so I might die anytime soon. So, I'm going to spend the rest of my life making good memories! Anyways, you are leaving for Seoul aren't you?"

"Don't say things like that again!" I started crying uncontrollably and hug her tight. Grandma...

"Okay, everybody smile!" the photographer took the family photo.

"Um, can you take another one but only me and my lovely granddaughter here?"

I can understand why she is doing this. I want to stay with her until the end.... sigh what are you saying Hyeon ah? You're crazy. She's not going to... die...

I shook my head, putting the stupid thought aside and smiled brightly for the picture.

I placed a copy of the two pictures in my wallet and spend the rest of the day making good memories with the whole family.

Every night, I always look at my grandmother when she's asleep. I'm really going to miss her...

1 week later

It was time for my plane to Seoul. I gave my parents and my grandmother a hug before entering the gate.
"I'll call you when I arrive, so don't worry. Love you!!" I told them. I was about to to enter the gate when I went back to them again and hugged them while crying.

"Hyeon ah! Stop crying! It's not like you are going away forever," My mother told me.

"I know. It's just that I never been away from you guys for a very long time before. I have never lived alone..I need you guys." I said after breaking the hug.

"We can't be by your side forever. You need to grow up" My father said to me.

"You have to go now, or else you will missed your flight!" My grandmother rushed me.

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