Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 2

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I’ve been getting the hang of working at Top Point these past couple days on my own. Josh hasn’t been any help; he likes to keep to himself so us newbies have been learning how things work around here as we go along. I haven’t seen Vic in the past two days he worked a different shift than me yesterday, I saw him coming in as I was going out. He didn’t say anything to me even though I waved at him but I chalked it up to that he just didn’t see me. Today he didn’t come in at all. For some reason I found myself thinking about him a lot. He was kind of mysterious and that attracted me to him for some reason. I think it was safe to say that I was developing a little crush on him. Even though I didn’t know anything about him besides his name and that he comes in late to work; I still found myself smiling when I think about him. I guess that’s how all crushes are in the beginning, you don’t know the person but you think about them a lot, mostly to the fact that they are cute. I think crushes are just lust filled thoughts that drive you insane slowly because you can’t get that person out your head.  By now you should get the hint that I’m gay. How do I know I’m gay? Well I think it’s safe to say that whenever I see a really hot guy and get a sudden boner with the urge to do things with him that I would never have the nerve to utter out my mouth when talking to anybody but my two best friends, I might be gay. It’s something I’ve known since 7th grade and not many people know, actually the only people that do know are my two best friends, Lydia and Zance. I’ve known Lydia since kindergarten; our families are really close so she’s over my house a lot. She hasn’t changed much since then, still nice as can be and has the most flawless skin with long flowing brown hair and green eyes. I think the only thing different about her is that she’s gotten taller since kindergarten, that’s about it. I’ve known Zance since 5th grade; we sat next to each other in class and have been inseparable since. He has this goofy laugh to go along with his goofy personality. He’s the funniest person I know but that’s just a bonus to his good looks.  He has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. We were definitely the average middle schoolers but there were a couple girls that would awe over Zance. I trust them with everything so it makes sense that I told them I’m gay.

                It’s nearing closing hours and it’s been a fairly slow day. Harley and Tony are cleaning up the store; sweeping the floor and picking up items that fell on the floor throughout the day while I count inventory in the back. I like closing time because Tom says we don’t have to be in any type of rush and can take our time at the end while we finish up our work day. After I finished counting inventory I went in the front to help Harley and Tony finish cleaning up but to my surprise they were playing ‘pass and shoot’, a game we made up yesterday with Tom. You use the broom and try to hit trash into the bin while another person tries to blocks it from going in. Tom was a pretty cool boss, he let us play around at the end while we were cleaning up and would join in. We’ve only been working here for about three or four days but he’s been super nice to us. I joined in and helped Harley block Tony’s shots, laughing at him every time he would get upset because we blocked his shot. I guess you could say he was a sore loser.

“What are you guys doing?” We heard someone say out of nowhere. We stopped the game and saw Vic standing at the front door.

“We’re just playing a game.” Harley said.

“Oh, cool. Hey Kellin, do you need a ride home?” the tan boy asked.

“Tony’s dad is gonna give me a ride.” I said.

“Well I’m already here. I’ll give you a ride. Come on.” He said; it was more him telling me than him offering, like he wasn’t giving a choice.

“Okay.” I said awkwardly then walked to the back to get my jacket and keys. I said goodbye to Harley and Tony then left out with Vic.

“Which way?” Vic asked ready to leave out of the shopping complex.

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