Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 10

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                This past week Vic has been doing anything he can to turn me on; making out with me in the storage room, on the roof of Top Point, randomly groping my member throughout the day, absolutely anything he that he could think of. Then once he realizes he’s succeeded he’ll just walk away leaving me with a boner and I have to go home and take care of it myself. He enjoys it while I sit here and this sexual desire that I have towards him builds as the days goes on. I thought that I wasn’t ready but now every time that I see him all I want to do is get him alone and rip his clothes off. He knows this though because he’s been making me think this way with all the stuff he’s been doing to me. Now he’s acting like he doesn’t want to go any further, he keeps stopping but I know he does, he just wants me to make the first move so he can be right and it’s killing me. I don’t know how to make the first move I’ve never done anything like this with anyone else so I wouldn’t even know where to start or what to say.

                Today was Vic’s day off so I didn’t have to worry about him messing with me. I just went into work and hung out with Tony and Harley. I got over the fact that she liked Vic because Vic didn’t like her he liked me obviously since he’s taking me out on dates. We had a really slow morning but business started to pick up in the afternoon. I worked the floor for an hour or two then went back to the storage room for my break. I sat down and relaxed, doing nothing waiting for my break to be over.

“Now how’d I know that you’d be back here, lazing around?” Vic said walking into the storage room.

“What are you doing here, isn’t it your day off?”

“I’m here to lend a hand.” He said.

“Good, we need it.” I said getting up off the high stool and walking towards the door.

“I was thinking maybe you need it.” He closed the door before I could leave out.

“Vic, I don’t have time for this.” I sighed.

“You don’t have time for me.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him until my back was against his chest. “You sure?” he kissed my neck. I didn’t say anything because I wanted him to keep going but I really had to get back to work since everything was busy. “Okay.” He let go of me.

“Wait...” I turned around and grabbed his hand.


“I…” I didn’t know what to say. I knew what I wanted but I didn’t how to say it.

“Say it.” He said.

“I…I want you to touch me.” I said quietly.

“See now that wasn’t so hard.” He smirked, backing me up against the door and unzipping my pants. Once he actually did that the nerves started to set in but went away when he slowly began to stroke my member. I’ve never had anyone do this for me before and it definitely felt way better when someone else was doing it. He rubbed the tip; I held my breath so I wouldn’t let out a moan. He squeezed a little and picked up the pace, I clenched my jaw and tried to keep my breathing steady but it just felt so good and my breathing got heavier and heavier. I grabbed his shirt and bit my bottom lip.

“You like that?” he asked seductively then began kissing at my neck. I let a little moan and he began to stroke me faster causing me to moan even more. The more I moaned the faster he moved. He kept kissing my neck and I felt I was getting close. I clenched his shirt tighter and rested my head against the door. He rubbed the tip one more time sending me over the edge; I pulled closer him and let out a loud moan. Putting my head on his shoulder trying to catch my breath and get myself together. When I looked up at him he was just smiling at me and I immediately thought I did something wrong.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re a moaner.” He smirked then picked up a shirt out of one of the boxes. He wiped his hand off then handed it to me to clean myself off. “We should definitely do that again. Soon.” He opened the door and when I looked Tony was standing there. Vic randomly slapped the back of my head.

“Why did you just slap him?” Tony asked.

“We were play-wrestling, he got the last hit so I was just evening out the score.” Vic said.

“Oh, I thought I heard noises, must’ve been that.” Tony said walking in over to his locker.

“Yup, Kellin loves making noise.” He smiled patting me on the back. “Anyway, I gotta go.” He began walking out the door.

“I thought you were going help out?” I asked.

“I said I would lend a hand and I did.” He winked and continued out the door.

                Tony and I went back to work and finished out the day with not that many customers but a lot of cleaning and stocking to do so we were pretty late leaving. Tony’s dad took me home and I hung out with my brothers downstairs for a little then went upstairs to my room. I took off my jacket and dropped it on the floor, getting ready to relax. When I turned on my light I saw Vic sitting in the middle of my bed.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered rushing to go close and lock my door.

“I’ve been waiting up here for an hour.” He said.

“In the dark?” I asked.

“No, I heard you talking to your mom as you were coming up the stairs so I turned off the light to surprise you.”  He got off the bed.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“I told you we should do that again soon.” He smirked.


“Oh, I’m sorry do you have something better to do?” he replied cheekily.

“Now look who’s being sassy.” I said.

“Fine, no hand job for you then.” He walked over to the window.

“Wait!” I quickly said. He turned around smiling

“Yes?” he asked.

“I want it.”

“Want what?” he began to walk closer.

“The hand job” I mumbled.

“Sorry, I couldn’t hear that.” He said cockily.  I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

“You really like me asking, huh?”

“Next time, just accept the offer.” He pressed me against my desk, smirking.

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