Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 14 (Final)

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                These past 3 weeks have been extremely busy for me. Tom has been working my ass off; he realized that all of us will be going back to school in less than a month and won’t be able to have us working during the week; some of us will actually have to quit so he’s planning on working us like dogs until the school year starts. I wouldn’t really mind working this much but its cut into my time with Vic because he has us on different shifts most of the time. I know he has certain needs and I’ve been craving him like crazy so I can only imagine how he’s feeling. Anytime we work a shift together, we always go up on the roof and make out for a little. I’m pretty happy with how things are between Vic and I. It’s seems like we’ve only gotten closer since we had sex and I like that a lot. When we have different shifts we don’t get to hang out as much because when one of us is working the other isn’t so we don’t get a lot of time outside of work together. I’ve been hanging out with Vic’s brother Mike a lot, he’s really funny and cool to be around so hopefully we can hang out when school starts too.

Today I get off at 2pm and Vic told me to come over to his house a little later around 6 since this is probably the only time we’ll both be off work at the same time. I’m happy because now we can hang out and actually talk without being too tired and falling asleep. I finished up my lunch break then headed back to Top Point so I could finish my shift for the day. I worked the cash register while answering the phones and going over the numbers for inventory. Before I left for the day I unpacked and stocked some inventory. My dad came and picked me up from work; as soon as I got home I went into the living and crashed on the couch for a little to watch some TV. About an hour later someone rang the doorbell so I got up and went over to the door to see who it was.

“Hey, you want to hang out?” Mike asked as soon as I opened the door. I wasn’t expecting him but he is a lot like his brother, just popping up randomly.

“Yeah, for a little.” I said letting him in. I went into the kitchen and got two bowls then put a little ice cream in them. Mike and I headed out back onto my patio to sit in the sun. Sitting there eating the ice cream we were quiet for a little.

“So school starts in a week and a half.” Mike said.

“Yeah, this whole summer went by fast. Feels like it just started.”  I hit my spoon on the bowl trying to get the last little bit ice cream.

“I know but when school starts you’re going to be like my best friend. Most of my friends moved or are going to another school so I won’t really have anyone to talk to.” He sat his bowl on the ground.

“Well I’ll introduce you to my friends that way you’ll have more people to talk to. I just hope we have classes together.” I said.

“Yeah, me too. I don’t want to be in a class filled with people I don’t know.” He sighed.

“We’ll most likely have classes together. Come on, let’s go play my game.” I said getting up. We took our bowls in the kitchen then headed upstairs. Sitting on the floor right in front of the TV we played my Xbox for a little while; Mike kicking my ass over and over again for about an hour or two. When I looked at the time I realized it was getting a little late and I’m supposed to be meeting up with Vic soon so I have to get ready.

“Alright I got to go. I’m meeting someone so we can hang out tomorrow if you want.” I got up and turned off the game. Putting the controllers away my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I checked and saw it was a text from Vic saying that Tom called him in to help with some stuff. I was kind of bummed but I couldn’t change that he got called in so I tried to brush it off.

“Looks like my plans are canceled, want to go down to The Hut to see who’s down there?” I asked Mike.

“Yeah, sure.” He said. I put on a pair of shoes then grabbed a jacket and we headed downstairs waiting for my brother to take us. Once he finally got up we left out and he dropped us off at The Hut. Like usual, there were a lot of teens there just hanging out. I saw Lydia and Tony sitting in the back so we went over there to hang out with them.

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