Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 8

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“Where are we?” I whispered following behind Vic. He didn’t answer me he just kept walking. We got to a bush and he pushed through it, I did the same. Once we got to the other side I saw a gate surrounding a backyard with a pool in it. Vic began to pick the lock on the gate.

“Whose house is this?” I asked.

“It’s mine now be quiet before you wake my parents.” He was concentrating on trying to pick the lock, I heard a click and the gate opened then Vic turned around and smiled at me.

“If this is your house why’d you have to pick the lock?”

“I don’t have keys to the back gate now relax; I do this all the time.” He walked up to the edge of the pool. You could see the water so clearly; they had underwater lights in the pool. “Ready to go for a swim?”  He began to take off his shirt. I couldn’t help but stare and start to blush a little.  He looked at me then smirked and took off everything else except his boxers then jumped into the pool. “Come on.”

I slowly kicked off my TOMS then looked back at Vic. He was just watching me which made me a little nervous. I took off my shirt and jeans then put them in a pile beside Vic’s. Jumping in the pool it was freezing cold, I wanted to get out immediately.

“Cold?” Vic asked. I nodded my head. “Come here.” He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him until my chest was against his. Even in the freezing water I could still feel the warmth from his body. I wrapped my arms around his body and rested my head on his shoulder for a couple minutes.

“Want to play a game?” Vic asked. I lifted my head up off his shoulder to look at him.

“What kind of game?”

“Alright we race from one end of the pool to the other twice and the loser has to get completely naked.” He smirked.

“No, I don’t want to play that.” I rolled my eyes. I’m not the best swimmer so I knew there was no way I would win. Plus if he was suggesting to play this game then he must be a good swimmer.

“Alright, ready go!” Vic pushed my head under the water and when I came back up he had already started. I didn’t want to have to take off my boxers so I could at least try to win. I began swimming trying to catch up to Vic but by time I got to one end of the pool he was already heading back to the other end and I was out of breath. My legs were on fire, I was hanging on to the edge of the pool, breathing heavily. Vic was on his way back to this side of the pool. He was swimming so easily like he wasn’t even tired one bit.

“I win.” Vic said wiping the water from his face then smiling at me.

“No you cheated and you’re a really good swimmer it wasn’t even a fair race.” I objected.

“Swim team.” He smiled.

“Who’s out there?” A man yelled.

“Shit.” Vic said and sunk down a little until his mouth was under the water but his nose was above it.

“What?” I asked confused. He put a finger over his mouth trying to tell me to be quiet and that’s when I realized this wasn’t his house. I heard footsteps coming closer but then stopped.

“Whoever is out there I’m calling the cops.” The man said. Vic quickly hopped out the pool. “Hey!”

“Come on.” Vic chuckled; I don’t understand how he finds this funny. I jumped out the pool and we both grabbed our clothes and shoes, not having time to put anything on then ran out the back gate.

“So for our second date you decided it would be fun to go do some breaking and entering?” I said annoyed as we ran back to his car, dripping wet. Vic just kept laughing; I think he finds enjoyment in almost getting arrested. Once we got to the car I didn’t think I would have time to walk all the way around to the other side so when Vic opened his door I climbed in trying to get in the passenger seat. Before I could even get in fully Vic was on top of me, flipping me over to face him.

“What are you-“ I began to say but Vic stopped me by crashing his lips into mine. His wet chest was on mine; I couldn’t help but run my fingers through his wet hair. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and entangled it with mine. My body was cold from just leaving the pool but it was warming up pretty quickly from all the touching. He parted from my lips and began kissing on my collarbone and neck, nipping at the skin lightly causing me to moan a little. I pushed him off when I saw flashing lights passing by. He looked up and slowly got off top of me.

“Alright, we should go.” He said through heavy breaths. Once the cop car was a far enough distance Vic started the car and I slid fully into the passenger seat. While Vic was driving I put my clothes back on, it was definitely a thrill to be making out in cars, like in public but the part where we almost get arrested I didn’t find a thrill so much.

It didn’t take that long to get to my house since we were in the neighborhood I lived in already. Vic pulled into my driveway then stopped and looked at me.

“Alright, so I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” I got out of the car and walked to my house.

“Hey!” Vic called to me. I turned around. “Can I stay here tonight?” he asked.

“My family’s here.” I said.

“Well I don’t have my house key and it’s too late to wake up my family; besides it’s not like we’ll be doing anything and they’ll just think you had a friend over since they don’t know you’re gay.” He turned off his car then got out. I sighed because he obviously wasn’t going to take no for an answer if he was walking towards my house already. I opened the door and looked around before I let him in. We walked upstairs and to my room.

“Alright take off your boxers and I’ll put them in the dryer.” I said walking over to my dresser drawer to get him a pair of my boxers. I handed him the pair of boxers then he started to take the wet ones off. “Not here!” I quickly said. “There’s a bathroom right across the hall.”

He smirked at me then walked out the room. Once he left I got undress quickly and changed into a new pair of boxers then put on a pair of shorts and a clean shirt. When Vic came back in he handed me his wet boxers and I handed him a pair of shorts then I took our wet stuff downstairs to put in the dryer. When I came back upstairs he was already settled in my bed with the TV on, he looked over at me and smiled. I closed and locked the door then turned off the light. Crawling in bed next to him he immediately wrapped his arm around me. I began to watch TV because I wasn’t tired yet then all of a sudden I felt something poking me in my back.

“Uh…Vic… you’re thing is poking me in the back.” I said awkwardly.

“Hey, I can’t control it. He’s just happy” He said.

“Let him be happy of my back.” I scooted forward a little.

“Fine, you know you really are dramatic?” he chuckled.

“What you call dramatic, I call rational.”

“Goodnight Kellin.” He put his hand under my shirt and rested it on my chest then he kissed the back of my neck lightly.

“Goodnight Vic.”

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