Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 12

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                These past 2 weeks have been absolutely perfect there’s no other way to describe it. Ever since Vic called me his boyfriend I’ve had a permanent smile on my face. I was just so happy he was my first ever boyfriend and this was just an amazing feeling. I feel like nothing can happen that’ll ruin my happiness right now, nothing can take this smile off my face; I was happy and content.  Vic and I have only gotten closer since he did make it official. We’ve gone out on little dates these past couple weeks, staying out late, talking, cuddling, kissing, and sometimes even going a little bit further when he snuck into my house. I just couldn’t ask for anything better, he was the most perfect boyfriend ever. Sure he was a risk taker and a little impulsive at times but to be honest I think those were the things I liked about him most even though it drove me insane at the same time.

                Today Vic invited me over to his house to hang out since both of us have the day off work. I have to admit I feel a little uncomfortable to the idea of going over to Vic’s house. I’ve never been to his house, I’ve never even seen it but at least no one will be there, just me and him. So I can relax a little about not having to meet his family. He texted me his address which was right down the street. I really didn’t believe him when he told me he lived in the same neighborhood before but I guess now I do since I have the proof but we’ll see when I go over there later. I got up off my bed, turned off my laptop then went to my closet. I pulled out a pair of skinnies and TOMS then got a shirt out my drawer. I went and took a quick shower then got dress and walked over to Vic’s house. I would’ve asked one of my brothers for a ride but I just felt like they would’ve known something was up. Even though they don’t know Vic has been sneaking in the house or that I’m gay I still feel like anything could make them aware and I’m just not ready for that yet. My life is going good and I don’t know how they’ll react so I don’t want to risk it.

                Approaching the house, there were no cars in the driveway except Vic’s, guess he wasn’t lying. I started to get nervous, I took a deep breath thing rang the doorbell. While waiting for him to answer I scuffed my shoes on the pavement and fiddled with my fingers. Finally the door opened, signaling a chiming noise and Vic was standing there in a pair of blank skinny jeans and red tank top.

“Come in.” He stepped aside. I walked in and immediately began glancing around at everything. “You want something to drink?” he asked getting my attention.

“Yeah.” I said. He began walking to the kitchen and I followed. He grabbed a glass and got me some water. I took a couple sips then sat it on the counter.

“Alright, let’s go.” He said. We walked out the kitchen and upstairs. It was a nice house, a little bigger than mine but very clean like mine. His mother must be a clean freak just like mines is. We walked to the 4th door down the hall, it was the last door. When he opened it, it looked like a teen’s room; Band posters on the wall, games system on the floor beside the TV, guitar in corner, a little messy but not too much, just a regular teen’s room.

“You can sit down.” He said closing the door as we walked in. I sat on the futon couch that was on one side of his room and he sat on the bed that’s was on the other side of the room. We sat there staring at each other, him smiling. It always started out like this even though I should be comfortable around him, I still get butterflies and really nervous when he’s around. I feel like I’m always on my toes by the way he makes me feel.

“So where are your parents?” I asked breaking the silence.

“They went out for a little, won’t be back for a while.” He said.

“Cool, do they know I’m here?” I asked.

“Nope. I don’t really have to tell them when I have company, I just do.”

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