Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 7

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                I was woken by my phone ringing. I reached over to my nightstand trying to feel for it but ended up knocking it off onto the floor. Flinging the covers off me, I sighed getting up then turning on the lamp next to my bed. I grabbed my phone and saw it was a number I didn’t recognize but I still decided to answer it.

“Hello?” I said while clearing my throat.

“Hey, what are you doing?” The person asked.

“I uh… who is this?” I asked confused.

“Jesus. Who do you think it is?” the guy responded sarcastically.

“Hi Vic.” I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see me.

“So what are you doing?” He asked.

“I don’t know, it’s 2am and I have work tomorrow maybe I was sleeping.” I said cheekily.

“Oh good, nothing. Look out your window.”

I got up and headed over to the window. When I peeked out the blinds I saw Vic standing there waving at me with a smile.

“You ready to go?” he asked.

“I just told you its 2am. I’m going back to sleep.”

“And miss out on our second date?” he said smirking up at me. I started to blush a little. It had been a week since our first date and we hadn’t really talked about it so I didn’t know if he liked it as much as I did. I thought about it for a second and then decided I would go.

“I’ll be down, stay right there.” I hung up the phone then put on some clothes and grabbed my keys. Sneaking pass my parents room, trying to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn’t wake anyone.  I’ve never snuck out before so every step I took I thought someone would wake up especially when I opened the door.

“Let’s go.” He started walking to his car and I followed.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Alright so we’re not going on our second date right now but we are going on a date today so don’t make any plans. Right now we’re going to Jonny’s house, he’s having a party.”  He started up his car and pulled off.

“The last time we almost got arrested so yeah let’s go to another party.” This just sounded like a bad idea.

“Stop thinking so much and have fun.” He said. I was still nervous about going to the party because I thought my parents would wake up and see that I’m gone or the cops would come and remember me from the last time or worse both could happen. I don’t have the best of luck so I try to stay out of situations where I need luck which is basically everything especially when it comes to getting out of trouble.

Once we got to Jonny’s house it didn’t look like there was a party going on but once we got inside and went into the basement you could definitely tell.  As soon as Jonny saw us he came over.

“Hey, didn’t think you’d come Mary.” He smiled.

“Why do you call him Mary?” Vic chuckled. My eyes just got wide and I started praying that Jonny didn’t say anything.

“Oh, just an inside joke between Kellin and I. Isn’t that right Kellin?” He squeezed my shoulder. I just nodded and smiled.

“You’ve only known each other for basically 2 minutes and you already have an inside joke?”

 “Yeah. Anyway, I got something to show you guys. Come on.” He walked up the stairs, out of the basement and we followed. Once we got upstairs to the main floor he then headed for the stairs that led to the bedrooms. We walked into a bedroom and I assumed it was Jonny’s. They sat down on the bottom of the bed, Jonny turned on his Xbox and handed Vic a controller then he patted the spot next to him on the bed and looked at me. I sat down and he tried to hand me a controller.

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