Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 4

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                Lying in bed, staring at the ceiling I tried to comprehend everything that’s happened this past week; everything is just so weird and new and happening fast. This is what I wanted in a sense but not exactly; I wanted something new and exciting but I never thought it would be a guy. He’s not really ‘my guy’ but I’m pretty sure he’s interested in me.. I think.  He’s hard to read which is why I’ve been boggling my brain every second of the day since I’ve met him. He’s so hot, like I can’t express how hot he is. Like.. he’s just unf! On the other hand his personality is mysterious to say the least. I know nothing about him and he just has this look to him that pulls you in that goes right along with his mysteriousness and it keeps you wondering and I think it makes him even sexier if that’s possible.

                I shook the sexual thoughts that started to enter my mind; I’m a teenage boy, it didn’t take that much to turn me on and thinking about Vic this early in the morning before I have work is not a good idea. I got out of bed and stretched my arms above my head letting out a long sigh then began to get ready for work. This morning was a little different my mom was up making breakfast; my dad was leaving on his monthly week long business trip so she was sending him off with a homemade breakfast like usual. I sat at the table waiting for my dad to finish eating so he could drop me off at work before he heads to airport. After small talk with my mom and dad about how work was going he was finally ready to go. I grabbed my jacket and keys then headed towards the door. My mom walked behind us and when we got to the door she gave my dad this long kiss which was disgusting to watch and made me cringe, definitely don’t need to see PDA between my mom and dad just gross on so many levels. After she finished scaring me for life she ruffled my hair then opened the door.

“Hello, uhm… can I help you with something?” My dad said. I turned around to see Vic standing there, my eyes widened and I felt my heart speed up instantly.

“Yeah, I’m a friend of Kellin’s, we work together.” he said smiling at my dad.

“Oh, he didn’t tell us about you. I’m his dad.” My dad said, participating in small chat with him.

“Really? He didn’t?” He glanced over at me smirking. All I was thinking was he better not open his mouth. “I’m Vic.” He extended his hand and my father shook it.

“Yeah and we have to go or we’re gonna be late so... see you when you get back from your trip dad. Bye mom.” I pushed past my dad and grabbed Vic’s arm pulling him towards his car. I was not gonna give him the chance to say anything to my parents about me being gay and he shouldn’t have randomly shown up at my house, he literally drives me insane with his randomness.

“I thought I was taking you to work.” My dad shouted to me.

“Vic’s taking me.” I said still pulling Vic towards his car, as I got to the car I opened his door. “In.”

He looked at me smirking then got in the car. I will never understand how he finds amusement out of everything, but he does. I walked to the other side of the car and got in.

“You can’t just show up here without like calling or telling me the day before.” I said annoyed.

“So I take it your parents don’t know you’re gay?” he looked at me with that same smirk on his face. I never knew a look could drive me insane but I was definitely at the brink.

“No they don’t know.”

“You should’ve told me.” he started up the car and pulled out the driveway.

“Tell you that no one knows I’m gay?” I said.

“No one?” he looked over at me as he stopped at the stop sign.

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