Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 3

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                I was nervous but also anxious to go to work today. I wanted to see Vic but I also didn’t want to see him. He kissed me so I shouldn’t feel like I did something wrong but he said ‘he knew it’, I don’t know what he’s talking about and that scares me. As my dad dropped me off I got out the car and hesitated a little before entering the store. I took a deep breath and walked in saying hi to Tony and Harley. When I went in back and looked at the schedule it showed that Vic didn’t work today so I felt relieved that I could have more time to think about what to do and say when he does come in tomorrow. We had an ‘everything on sale’ day and the store was busy all day with teens from the high school coming in. I got to work the floor today and be a sales associate all day, talk to some of my friends that came in and also meet some new people that I would be going to school with this year coming up. I don’t think I’ve talked more in my life but it was definitely fun.

                I sat in the chair spinning around while Harley and Tony counted inventory. I had already swept the floor and picked up the trash so I didn’t have anything to do. I threw my head back and kept spinning in the chair, I started to get really dizzy.

“What are you guys up to?” I knew whose voice that was from the second they opened their mouth. I immediately stopped spinning and looked straight over to the door. It was Vic, I couldn’t believe he actually came here, he had no reason. I felt my heart start to beat a million times faster than it should have. He was standing there with some guy; he was in pretty good shape and had black short hair.

“Just finishing up with work. What are you doing here?” Tony asked.

“Just coming to see what you guys were up to. So me and a group of friends are going to The Hut you guys wanna come?” he asked.  I was hoping Tony would say no since his dad is giving me a ride home but he didn’t. Harley and Tony both said yes and since Tony was my ride home I had no choice but to go.

                I sat there waiting for Harley and Tony to finish counting inventory while Vic and his friend were sitting in the hallway playing around. About five minutes later they had finally finished and we left out with Vic in his friend in his car.  Vic and his friend sat up front joking around while Harley, Tony, and I sat in the back being quiet. Well I was quiet, Harley and Tony talked amongst each other; I was too nervous so I just sat in the back and kept my mouth shut. Once we got to the hut we all went inside. I was pretty familiar with The Hut; it was a hangout place where all the kids from town would go. Vic showed us where his friends were sitting; there was about 10 other kids there so Tony, Harley, and I just sat down and the waiter came over with strawberry smoothies. Vic sat all the way at the other end of the table leaving Harley, Tony, and I at the other end talking amongst each other because we didn’t know anyone else there. I kept looking over at Vic, watching him sit and laugh with his friends. His smile was so infectious; it made you want to smile just because he was. I found myself not being able to take my eyes off him no matter how much I wanted to.

“Hey, Kellin can I talk to you?” I looked up and it was Vic’s friend who came with him to come pick us up.

“Yeah, sure.” I said. He started to walk to the bathroom and I assumed he wanted me to follow him so I did. Once we got in the bathroom he leaned against the sink and looked over at me smiling.

“Look, you have to stop staring at him, it’s weird and makes you look like an obsessed stalker. I know you like him or have a crush on him and you guys kissed but you can’t stare.” He said. I was shocked that Vic told him, I can’t believe he actually told someone.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I looked down at the floor because I knew my face would give away that I was lying. When I glanced up at him he was giving me this skeptical smirk; I knew he didn’t believe me. “I can’t believe he told you.”

“He’s Vic.”

“What does that mean?” I asked confused.

“He’s a dick.” He said nonchalantly.

“If he’s a dick why do you hang out with him?”

“Because I’m a dick too.” He was saying all this like I should already know and like it wasn’t a big deal. “Look, just don’t stare.” He walked over to the door and opened it.

“What’s your name?” I asked before he walked out.

“Jonny.” He said then closed the door.

                I walked out the bathroom and went back to my seat next to Harley. I took Jonny’s advice and didn’t stare at Vic for the remainder of the time we were there; I didn’t even look over in his direction. I enjoyed my smoothie and talked to Tony about a new game I just bought the other day. Soon everyone was ready to leave and Vic dropped Harley and Tony off at their houses then next stop was my house. It was Vic, Jonny and I in the car and I felt so awkward; Vic and I kissed, Vic told Jonny, Jonny told me that Vic told him, and I don’t even know if Vic knows that Jonny told me. It was so complex and confusing to think about that I couldn’t even believe I was involved in this drama. I try to avoid drama at all cost and now I’m right in the middle of it. I was lucky enough that it was still under wraps because I did not need this getting out. As we pulled into my driveway I didn’t even let the car fully stop before I was taking off my seatbelt and opening the door to get out. I walked to my front door and pulled my keys out trying to find the right one. I heard a car door open and close making me look even faster for the right key.

“No thank you for the ride home?” Vic said from behind me.

“Thanks” I said quickly putting the key in the door. Vic put his hand over mine before I turned the key.

“What’s the hurry?” he asked.

“I’m tired, I just want to go to bed.” I took my hand off the door so his hand wouldn’t be touching mine anymore.

“Well how about a goodnight kiss?” he smirked.

“I can’t believe you told your friend.” I said.

“He’s my best friend, I tell him everything.”

“Whatever.” He and Jonny acted so nonchalant about this entire thing, about everything. No one knows I’m gay and they’re just like whatever about the whole thing. I don’t want my parents or my brothers or anyone knowing yet; I’ve come to terms with it for myself but I just wasn’t ready to come out to everyone. I began to turn around so I could open the door.

“Hey, relax. He’s cool, he won’t say anything about you being gay.” He grabbed my hand and held it stopping me.

“I never said I was gay.” I turned around and said.

He smirked at me, just giving me this look of like ‘really? Still going with that story?’ I leaned against the door and just stood there staring at him for a second.

“Hey, Kellin.” He said breaking the silence.


“You haven’t let go of my hand.” He smiled. I quickly pulled away, tensing up again.

“Will you relax? I know, okay?” He laughed a little probably because of how ridiculous I was being. It was quite clear I had a crush on him and that I was gay but I was still denying it for some reason. “Are you gonna go inside?”

“Uh, yeah. See ya’ at work.” I turned around and turned the key. He then grabbed my arm, spinning me around and pressing me against the door then kissed me. Once again my stomach doing flips, heart beating out my chest, and the feeling as if I’m floating sank in. I never got that feeling ever in my life before; only when Vic and I kissed did I feel like that. He pulled away, breaking the kiss. He got closer again and reached behind me, his lips lightly brushing mines in the process and he opened the door then turned around and left. Why the fuck does he think it’s okay to just kiss me and leave? Uhh! Fuck my life.

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