Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 6

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When I got home last night I couldn’t even sleep because I kept looking out my window and every car that passed my house I thought it was the cops coming to arrest me or something.  It’s about 3 in the afternoon and I just woke up, I’m planning on spending my day in bed doing absolutely nothing since I have to go to work tomorrow and my first day off consisted of me running from the cops so it really wasn’t a day off in my eyes but I can blame Vic for that.


“Hey, where’d you disappear to other night?” I heard Tony say behind me. He was walking in and putting his stuff in his locker.

“Oh, a friend of mine literally dragged me with him so I wouldn’t get in trouble.” I said sitting on one of the boxes. “Did you guys get in trouble?”

“No, we didn’t drink the beers but they did make us blow into the breathalyzer just to make sure then they told us to go home.” He came and sat down next to me. We both just sat there for a few minutes procrastinating on doing our jobs. I closed my eyes for a second but opened them when I heard someone moving about. I saw Vic taking off his jacket and putting it away.

“Hey.” He said along with a slight wave then walked out the storage room. That was a little different whenever he sees me he always smirks at me or has something smart to say but this time nothing.

Tony and I got up and began stocking for the day while we waited for Harley to show up. She was late which was definitely unlike her. Out of all of us she was the one that loved working here the most. She came in about an hour late looking like she had a rough night.

“Hey, you okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, just had a long night.”  She yawned.

“Looks like you went to hell and back.” Tony cut in.

“I may look like it but you wouldn’t believe me if I told.” She said then walked away. Me and Tony just looked at each other weirdly after that comment then went back to work. It was a mellow day us just standing around the store customers coming in occasionally but around midday it was like a ghost town so we just took our break early. Vic still hadn’t talked to me, he would glance at me then look away but that was about it, by the way he was acting today it wasn’t a surprise when didn’t come take break with us. We went across the street to the park and got on the swings, just letting time pass.

“Hey, I got a question for you two.” Harley said as she started to swing slowly. Tony and I both looked at her. “What do you guys think of Vic?” She asked. I was surprised, why does she care about what we think of Vic and why is she thinking about Vic? Why was she even asking?

“Why?” I quickly shot back.

“Just wondering if you guys think he’s a nice guy.”

“Why?” I asked again.

“Just wondering, we work with him and don’t know much about him, it’s kind of weird.” She said.

“I don’t know, I guess he’s okay.” Tony said.

“Yeah, same.” I said.

“I think he’s sweet.” She smiled. Suddenly I felt hate for her, like I just genuinely didn’t like her, and I thought in that moment she was annoying and I wanted her to shut up. Didn’t she just say we didn’t know about him but she thinks he’s sweet? Makes no sense, I just rolled my eyes.

“I have to use the bathroom.” I said jumping off the swing. Walking back into Top Point I don’t know why I suddenly hated Harley but it just came instantly and it wasn’t going away no matter how hard I tried.

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