Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 11

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                It’s been about a week since I’ve seen Vic. My family and I went on a little mini vacation to our log cabin like we do every summer. Vic and I were texting the whole entire time I was gone, he would send me sweet little text saying he missed me as well as a lot sexual messages ever since we took the next step in our relationship, if that’s what this is but either way the texts were causing me to blush a lot and get hard ons in front of my family. It was very awkward trying to hide being turned on while you’re family is urging you to come lay out beside the lake with them. The whole time we were here I was counting down the days to get home so Vic and I could pick up where we left off with the hand jobs, well him giving me handjobs. That was all I could think about while being down here. Yesterday was our last full day here so today we packed up around 5am and have been on the road all morning, headed back home. I spent most of the time sleeping and occasionally texting Vic telling him how far we were from being home. We stopped for lunch around noon at a fast food place then got straight back on the road.

We got home around 4pm, Lydia and her family were pulling into our driveway as we got there. We hung out with them for a little then Lydia and I got my brother to take us to the mall so we could hang out and see who’s there. Once we got there we hung out in the food court for a while then we saw Tony and Zance. We all began to walk around then I had to go to the bathroom so I left them to keep walking around and headed back to the food court towards the bathrooms. The boys’ bathroom door was locked so I went inside the family bathroom. I made weird noises while I used the bathroom then came out of the stall and began to wash my hands. I heard the door open and I realized I didn’t lock the door. When I turned around Vic was standing there.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were back.” He said.

“Yeah, I just got back an hour ago.” I said turning off the water.

“And you couldn’t tell me? We talked the whole entire time you were gone and you get back then don’t text me, pretty suspicious.” He joked.

“No, I was hanging out with my family for a little when we got back and I forgot to text you.” I reached for a paper towel.

“You hung out with them all week. I need to hang out with you too.” He said leaning against the wall.

“Why?” I asked even though I knew the answer.

“Because I’ve been lonely since you’ve been gone. Well parts of me have been lonely, parts of me want to be touched.” He said seductively.

“Yeah?” I had so many images rushing through my head about the last time we were alone which was the morning before I left to go on vacation. He nodded; biting his lip then slowly began to walk over to me. He grabbed my hands and stood in front of me, looking me up and down still biting his lip. “You want me to touch you?”

“I go first.” He said, immediately unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down. He lifted me up on the edge of the sink then he began palming the front of my boxers while rocking his hips into mine. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer so I could kiss him but as soon as I leaned in he jerked his head back. I really wanted to kiss him, it was more of a need than a want actually. He smirked at me then slowly leaned in to kiss me. Pulling my member out he quickly began stroking me, I could already tell from the first stroke that I wouldn’t last long but it seemed he didn’t want me to because he was stroking me so fast I couldn’t even get use to the pace. I was overwhelmed with pleasure, gripping the edge of the sink, and breathing heavy as he began to squeeze a little tighter.

“Fuck…that feels so good.” I said through heavy breaths. I began to thrust into his hand as he stroked me, the sensation filling my entire body. He pressed my hips down so I couldn’t move them anymore then smirked at me as he began to move faster until I came, moaning his name.

“I wanna do you now.” I quickly said still coming down from my high. Reaching for his belt buckle he stopped me, putting his hand over mine.

“I’m not really into the whole hand thing.” He said. “I’m more over a mouth kind of guy.”

I widened my eyes, not knowing what to say. We never talked about that so it was kind of a shock. I was a little nervous but I nodded getting off the sink and pulling up my pants as he pulled his down. Getting down on my knees, I took ahold of him then put half of his length in my mouth, slowly bobbing my head taking more and more in slowly. I took his member out my mouth then kissed the tip lightly. Putting him back in my mouth I began bobbing faster, twirling my tongue around the tip. Vic began to breathe faster and grabbed ahold of the sink, looking down at me smiling.

“F-f-faster.” He stuttered out. I began to move faster, taking his full length in my mouth and holding it as long as I could then bobbing my head again. I could tell he was getting close because his legs started to shake and he closed his eyes, throwing his head back, and breathing faster.

“Oh my god!” I heard a high pitched voice exclaim.

“Fu-ucking yes!” Vic moaned, reaching his climax also laughing at the same time when he turned his head and saw the woman quickly backing out the bathroom.  I got up so fast, wiping my mouth and feeling a mixture of fear and shock.

“You didn’t lock the door?!” I asked freaking out a little.

“I figured it would be more exhilarating this way. Besides I didn’t really think anyone would walk in.” He grinned, buttoning up his pants.

“That lady walked in!” I paced back and forth.

“Relax.” He cupped my face. “We had fun didn’t we?”

“Yeah but-“

“No buts, we had fun. She’s a nobody, a stranger, she doesn’t matter. You’re my boyfriend and I’m gonna do whatever it takes to pleasure you, no matter where we are. We had fun and that’s all that matters.” He said looking me in the eyes then lightly kissing my lips. He let go then began walking towards the door.

“You said boyfriend?” I started to blush.

“All mine.” He smiled then walked out the bathroom.

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