Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 5

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                After last night when Vic, I left couldn’t get this grin off my face, it was like it was permanently stuck there or something, and it wasn’t a mystery why. I spent about an hour making out with Vic; I didn’t even know people actually made out that long, but hey I’m not complaining, I could do that all day. I find the more we kiss the more I crave it, like a drug. The touch and heavy breaths, the passion and the intensity of it all, it’s something I’ve never experienced before but then again that was the first time I’ve ever made out with anyone but still it was a high all on its own, he was a high all on his own.

                I spent most of today lazing around the house watching TV, eating junk food, and playing videogames.  In a little I’m going to go out with Lydia, Tony, Zance and Harley just to hang out. Since it was the first time since summer started that I had a day off thought I’d hang out with a small group friends. We’re all going over Lydia’s house just to have low key night. Even though Lydia and Zance don’t know Tony and Harley we’re still gonna hang out together so they can get to know each other. I got up and got dress then about 30 minutes later Zance came knocking on the door to pick me up with his older brother then we went to pick up Tony and Harley. We drove to Lydia’s house and shared some laughs on the way over there, just talking about random things. Once we finally got to Lydia’s house we went inside and you could hear a little bit of ruckus; people laughing and carrying on.

“Hey, this is Harley and Tony, and this is Lydia.” I introduced them to each other and they said their hellos. “What’s all the noise?” I asked.

“Oh, my parents went to go visit my uncle for the night so my brother invited some of his friends over.” She started walking and we followed.

 I assumed we were going in the basement because we always go to the basement when I come over. They have this arcade room and an indoor pool, it would’ve been an understatement to say they were the average family with the average house, but it was always fun over there especially in the basement, so we loved it down there. To get to the basement we had to pass through the living room which was where Lydia’s brother and his friends were. I didn’t really think much of it because when I come over here he always has at least one friend over so we passed and went down in the basement. We played in the arcade for a little then decided to go swimming. They always had extra swim suits so it wasn’t a problem. After a while we got hungry so we decided to head upstairs to grab some marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate so we could outback and make s’mores in the fire pit. We didn’t bother putting back on our clothes we just walked upstairs in our swimwear, thinking we would just dry off around the fire. As we got up there I started drying my hair with the towel, we began to get close to the living room and Tony and Hance started making these weird noises making causing us to laugh.

“Kellin.” I heard Vic’s familiar voice say. I looked over at him sitting in Lydia’s living room with her brother and some of his other friends.

“You guys know each other?” Tyler, Lydia’s brother asked.

“Yeah, we work together.” He said. I waved at him and so did Harley and Tony then we went into the kitchen.

“I didn’t know your brother knew him.” I whispered to Lydia but didn’t really know why. The kitchen was right across from the living room but it was a far enough distance where you couldn’t hear what anyone was saying unless you were talking loud.

“They just started hanging out last week.” She said going into the pantry. I haven’t told Lydia about whatever is going on between me and Vic because… I don’t know why, I just didn’t. I looked over into the living room and Vic was looking at me just smirking. I started to feel a little cold and then I realized all I have on is swimming trunks. This is the second time in a row where I have my clothes off around Vic; I really need to just never take my clothes off, ever because he just pops up everywhere. Next thing I know he’ll be popping up when I get in the shower, although that doesn’t sound so bad… I really needed to learn to control my wandering thoughts.

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