Let's Just Give It Time- Chapter 9

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                Waking up beside Vic I could feel his head against my back and his breath. It was definitely something that gave me a reason to smile as soon as I woke up. The only thing was his hand placement. I don’t if he moved it there in his sleep or if he did it on purpose but I had mixed feelings about this; parts of me liked it and my mind not so much.

“Vic…your hand is on my…” I didn’t want to say because it was already an awkward enough situation so to actually say it would’ve made me feel even more uncomfortable.

“Your friend.” He mumbled.


“He’s seems happy to have my hand down there, very happy. He probably needs company or someone to hold him” He palmed the front of my shorts lightly.

“O-okay time to go to work.” I jumped up out of the bed.

“Fight it all you want it’s going to happen, sooner or later. I’m betting sooner.” He smirked getting out of bed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I was trying to bluff.

“Right.” He smiled and nodded, pretending to play along.

“Whatever, just get dress.” I walked to my closet then got a pair of skinnies and a shirt then went to the bathroom. I got dress then brushed my teeth and went back to my room to find that Vic wasn’t there anymore, I started to panic. “Vic.” I whispered in the hallway seeing if maybe he wandered out but no answer. Quickly going downstairs I turned the corner to find him sitting down, eating an apple next to my dad.

“Hey.” Vic smiled at me.

“Kellin, you didn’t tell me one of your friends was spending the night, I would’ve made breakfast.” My mom said in a polite manner.

“It was a last minute thing and besides we don’t have time for breakfast we have to get to work.” I said.

“Well I would love to have breakfast here one day; I bet you’re a wonderful cook.” Vic said in a charming tone to my mom.

“I think we should get a head start to work. Remember Tom said he needed us to come in early.” I got up then grabbed Vic’s arm and pulled him out the kitchen towards the door.

“Bye, Mrs. Quinn.” He shouted to her.

“Why do insist on driving me crazy?” I asked as soon as we got outside.

“Now how much fun would this be if I didn’t? I do something crazy, you freak out, I laugh and kiss you so you’ll shut up then we’re both happy. I think that’s a pretty fun.” He smirked then began walking to his car. I rolled my eyes and followed behind him.

“Do you want to have a quick make out before work?” he asked as soon as we got in the car. I just shot him a glare then he shrugged his shoulders and we headed to work.

                Once we got to work we were pretty busy. Tom had a whole bunch of new merchandise coming in so we had to help unload, bring it in the storage room, put tags and hangers on them then go stock them in the store. Around midday he let us take a break so Tony and I walked to the ice cream place down the street to meet up with Lydia and Zance. We stayed there for about 45 minutes talking and eating ice cream then Tony and I went back to work. Even with a whole day and with Josh, Vic, Tony, and I here we still couldn’t get all the boxes shipped in to us off the truck and inside. Tom asked us if we could stay a little later to get everything finished so we did. Walking back and forth from the truck in the back to the storage room with 15 pound boxes was starting to get pretty tiring. I stacked a box on top of one of the other boxes and then sat down on them to take a quick break.

“What are you doing?” Vic asked sitting down the box that was in his hand then walking over to me.

“Nothing, just taking a break.”

“Tired?” he asked. I nodded in response. “Well we’re almost done.” He placed his hands on my thighs.

“Stop.” I immediately said.

“What? I’m not doing anything.”

“You’re touching me, someone could walk in.” I said.

“Oh so not in public. So I can’t do this?” he slid his hands up my thighs getting closer to my member.


“What about this?” he pulled my body closer to his then rested his forehead on mine causing our noses to touch. I shook my head ‘no’. “Not even this?” he grinded his hips into mine causing my breathing to hitch I couldn’t even shake my head no, I didn’t move a muscle. I felt my face start to flush, I gripped the sides of the box out of nervousness.

“How about this?”  He lightly brushed his lips over mine then slowly kissed me. I closed my eyes loosening my grip on the box then he pulled back. I looked at him and he stared back. I just wanted to grab his face and pull him towards me but I restrained myself. I wasn’t going to make the first move but he was standing there with his hands still on the inner part of my thighs not budging one bit. I don’t know what it was, maybe it was the way he was standing there biting his bottom lip or that I’m just a lustful teenager but I couldn’t hold out any longer. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him in, kissing him. He squeezed my thighs and grinded into me again.

“Don’t do that.”  I said, my voice shaky. I could feel him smile into our kiss then he moved his hands up groping my friend down there which was getting quite happy. I grabbed his shirt tighter and tried to pull him closer, if that was even possible since he was already as close as he could get. He stopped, breaking the kiss, resting his nose against mine and looking me in the eyes. We were both breathing heavy and I just wanted more of him, a lot more. He slowly kissed me and once again grinded his hips into mine then bit my bottom lip lightly and gave me a little peck. He stepped back then looked down at my pants and saw my very visible boner; skinny jeans weren’t a good boner hider to say the least.

“Yeah, I’m definitely betting on soon, very soon. He smirked then walked away. Once he left out the storage room I huffed and rested my head on the shelf behind me.

“What are you doing? No one else gets a break, get up.” Tony said walking in with a box in his hand. I looked down and I didn’t know what I was going to do with my ‘situation’ so when he turned around I quickly ran over and got my jacket then wrapped it around my waist. I went back out to help and passed Vic on the way out as he was coming in; he looked down and saw the jacket around my waist, he got quite a good laugh out of that and every time we passed each other for the rest of the time we were there he would just grin at me. 

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