The Chapter I Don't Know What to Name Because It's Short But Good

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      Going on a trip, on our favorite rocket ship! Zooming through the skies, L- Hiro Hamada!

     Your head pounded. You felt very... Very... Slow. The exact opposite of fresh. What was it? (Let me google it, hold up.) You felt very stale and processed. And gross. Yes, very gross. Once again, you were in the familiar void. A dreamless void. Can this even be called a dream? (I guess.) 

     The familiar void... Yes, you've been here once before... While you were passed out when Ashi was taking you. Ashi... Weren't you last in his weird "base"? Why were you here? Oh, right, you're dreaming. Well, you gotta wake up! What if Ashi has already woken up? Wait... Right, you ate that sandwich.

     Awesome. It was PROBABLY poisoned. 

     And now you were going to die.

     That's probably why you felt so gross. Well, dang it. You didn't even get to confess your u̶n̶d̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ crush to Hiro! (You worry about that, despite the fact you're probably going to die.) Regret flooded through you. Darn. He's never going to know how you felt. But then again, if you woke up just now, and Hiro was SOMEHOW there, you wouldn't confess your feelings, would you?

     You made a soundless groan. Your stomach churned with dread. What if he doesn't even return the feelings? (Reader, you don't even KNOW.) 

     Oh well. You're going to die. So... Eh. At least you'd be able to see your mother again. You wistfully smiled, and winced. 

     'I don't want to die,' you thought. It was a primal thought that burned deep inside you. And with that thought driving you, you finally mustered up enough courage to open your eyes.

     You flinched at the high luminous lights that dimpled the ceiling. ...Where were you? You looked around. Ahh, a hospital. Wonderful. Maybe you won't die. But how did you get here? ...Your eyes drifted to a crouched figure, head mournfully buried in his own arms. His? ...Shaggy black hair, but an unfamiliar red suit. A helmet rested to his side. You groaned, trying to sit up. The boy's head instantly darted up. "(Y-Y/N)! You're okay!" He sounded so rejoiced, briskly getting up to see you. 

     Oh, it's Hiro. Why did he look like a super hero? Was it Halloween? No, the holidays already passed. Did you even celebrate? (Woops. Author forgot to make holiday specials.) It doesn't matter. Why were you in a HOSPITAL!? A hand gripped the back of Hiro's suit. "Not so fast," a male voice said. A doctor walked up to you. "If you touch her, you might get sick," he said. Hiro frowned, and sat in his seat, a little disappointed. But that small disappointment was thickly covered by excite; you were awake! NOT dead!

     As soon as the doctor got in the room, he disappeared. Strange, but oh well. "So..." You said. Hiro smiled; he missed the sound of your voice (even though you were out for-) "How long was I out?" You asked. "7 hours," he shrugged. "Hm. Not bad." You said. You glanced at the clock to your right. "...Woah. 5am." You said. He nodded, and shrugged. "...Where's dad?" Hiro looked up in a pondering fashion. "Filling out paperwork in the other room. Ahh, we're trying to get Ashi arrested." He announced. You smiled. "Haha... Huh." Your face melted into a frown. 

     "What? Aren't you excited?" He asked. "I think everyone deserved to be forgiven," he flinched at your words. "I know he did bad things," you said. "But... Eh," you shrugged. Hiro guiltily looked down. "By the way," he awkwardly twiddled his thumbs. "Can you forgive me?" He asked. You cocked your head to the side. "...For what?" You asked. "If I ran a little faster, all of this could've avoided." He began tearing up- a new sight. It made you feel very bad. 

     "It isn't your fault, Hiro-" he cut you off. "What would happen if you DIED?!" ...Well, that was certainly a change of tone. You looked to the left, biting your lip. "Well, that's that, I guess? Still, it wouldn't be your fault-" he cut you off again. "You don't understand, (Y/N)! I- We care about you so much! I couldn't ever live it down if you died... I can't help that I like you so much, (Y/N)." You flushed bright red. 

     Well, that answers that. But before you could tell him you reciprocated the feelings, he stormed out of the room. "Wait-" you called out. But it was too late. The door already slammed shut. 

     You'd totally wonder why he was in that outfit, but he just confessed to you. ...You couldn't help but wonder if he hated you. 

     It didn't matter.

     You drifted off to sleep.

cold fingers. I promise you'll get some fluff soon

ciao! -Critique-A-La-Mode

Hiro Hamada x Reader ("You, Me, and the World")Where stories live. Discover now