Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)

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"This game has already been so entertaining and fun! If you ignore what happened last round, that is," Tamaki said as he shot a glare towards Gray.

"I already told you, you idiot. Nothing happened back there," Gray said angrily.

"I don't want to hear your words, you creepy streaker!" Before the dark haired boy could reply, Tamaki turned his attention to you. "Come here, my lovely. It's your turn now."

He grasped your hand and pulled you to your feet in a gentle manner. You didn't protest as he led you over to the table in the center of the room. Carefully, you reached your hand inside the bag full of items and pulled out a fresh rose. The rose was in perfect shape despite the fact that it was trapped in the bag with several other items.

Once Tamaki saw the rose in your hand, he got down on his knees and proclaimed, "Fate must really have her magic working tonight! For it was, in fact, Fate that made it so that a beautiful lady like you ended up with a handsome gentleman like me!"

"I'm guessing this rose is yours then?" you asked him, a bit shocked by all his theatrics.

"Indeed it is, my love," he replied. Without a second thought, he stood up and led you over to the closet. Before closing the door after the two of you were inside, he called to the others and said, "Someone come get us when our time is up. Oh, what a dreadful moment that will be!"

After another round of this theatrics were over, he closed the door leaving the two of you in the darkness. You backed up a little, not expecting the small space to get as dark as it was. You weren't able to see anything around you. You jumped a little as you felt Tamaki's hand in yours.

"What's wrong, beautiful? Are you afraid of the dark?" he asked you as he held both of your hands in his own.

"Kind of," you admitted shyly. You weren't normally the one to so easily admit your fears to others, but you felt more at ease around Tamaki then you usually did around others.

"It's alright. I won't let anything happen to you," he whispered in your ear.

Slowly, he placed a kiss on your cheek causing your face to heat up in a blush almost instantly. His hands let go of yours and moved up to your face. He cupped your face with his hands and stared into your eyes.

"Tamaki..." You didn't know what else to say. Sure, he could be creepy and a pervert at times, but you were seeing his sweet side at that moment and you loved it. He was a flirt among every girl, but he was sincere with everything he said. Just one of the reasons why you liked him more than any of the other guys sitting in the other room.

"Are you still scared?" he asked. You could tell he was being sincere, he really was worried about you.

"Just a little," you answered as you broke the eye contact with him. Gently, he tilted up your chin so you'd once again have eye contact.

"There's no reason to be afraid. After all, good things can happen in a place as dark as this."

His lips moved slowly away from your cheek and towards your lips. Your heart began to beat faster, but not from fear. The blush on your cheeks grew deeper as both of your lips connected. The kiss was slow at first and you wanted more. You could tell Tamaki wasn't going any further because he wanted to continue his role as a gentleman.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pushed him closer to you. Taking the obvious hint, Tamaki softly bit your bottom lip asking for entrance which you eagerly obliged. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and let it travel to explore every inch. Despite what most people would do in that circumstance, Tamaki's hands never left your face, they didn't wander to other parts of your body. For that, you felt grateful and relieved that this boy wasn't like most.

You wanted to kiss him more, you wanted the kiss to get deeper and deeper, but your time with him was up. The closet door was opened and you and Tamaki broke apart. Like he stated earlier, it was a dreadful moment indeed. You blushed, realizing just how far you went with a boy you barely even knew. But you didn't regret it, not one bit. He didn't seem to regret it either, a beautiful smile broke out on his face.

"Would you care to do this again, princess?" he asked you. It was your turn smile.

"I'd love to."

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