Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)

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"My heart breaks just from the sliver of thought reminding me that this lovely game is almost to an end. But alas! The game must continue on," Tamaki said as overdramatically as usual.

At this point, there were hardly any girls left for Tamaki to choose from, there was only you along with two others. Taking his time to evaluate the difficult decision before him, he stood in front of you and the two others, eyeing each of you.

"You, my dear!" he exclaimed as he grabbed your hand and pulled you up from the seat. "With a beauty compared to none other, it's only fitting that you're up next."

You nervously fiddled with your fingers as Tamaki led you to the center of the room. Almost everyone else had already had their turn so there wasn't much reason for them to pay attention to you, but the few people whose attention was focused on you made you quite nervous.

Like all the girls before you, you approached the almost empty bag and reached inside it, letting your hand brush over the few objects left inside. A small and fluffy object caught your attention almost instantly. You gently wrapped your hand around it before pulling it out to reveal a plush cat.

"Oh, dammit, Al," Ed said angrily. "That thing better not be alive."

"Calm down, brother, it's just a toy. But does this mean I'm next...?" Al asked hesitantly.

"Why, yes it does!" Tamaki butted in. "Now you'll be locked in the closet with this lovely young lady over here for seven minutes."

A blush suddenly spread across the giant metal armor's face while his brother grinned. "Go have fun, Al!" Ed cheered as he slapped his brother on the back.

Both you and Al slowly walked towards the closet, a deep blush blooming on each other's faces. The second the two of you stepped inside the closet, Tamaki slammed the door shut and locked it, leaving you both in the dark.

"Um, h-hi," Al stuttered, attempting to break the awkward silence.

"Oh, uh, hi," you replied back nervously, not knowing how you could've found yourself in this situation.

"What's your name?" he asked quietly.

"I'm (Y-Y/N)," you stuttered this time.

Just being around people in general made you a nervous wreck like you were now. But what didn't help the situation was the fact you liked the sweet boy before you, not that you ever thought for a chance he'd like you back.

"I guess you're just as nervous as me, right?" he said, as he slowly inched towards standing next to you. With any other person, you would just have moved away but with Al, you felt comfortable enough for him to get close to you. Now that was a first.

"Y-yeah," you stuttered in response again. "But why are you so nervous?"

"I can sometimes get a little shy around people. It doesn't help that you're really pretty and that I think I like you...." he trailed off. That little confession made your eyes go wide in shock, not believing that he felt the same. "Why are you nervous though?" he asked quickly to change the topic.

Gaining every last bit of courage you had from what he said, you stood on your tippy toes and while holding onto his arm for balance, you kissed his cheek causing another deep blush you bloom across both of your faces.

"Because I think I like you too," you whispered, showing off a shy smile.

Just as you moved away from him to see his reaction, the door swung open to reveal Tamaki once again. Your face along with Al's was still a deep shade of red which easily told everyone else what had happened during that seven minutes. But neither of you cared that the others knew. All that mattered was that being in the closet with him was the best seven minutes of your life.

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