L Lawliet (Death Note)

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"As always, it's time to continue this magnificent game!" Tamaki cried as everyone else groaned. Many of the players were still not ecstatic about the game, but they realized by now that there was no way getting out of it. They only have to play the game right and then they would be able to leave.

"Still so many lovely ladies who still have not gone yet. Just who shall I pick?" he mumbled to himself as he scanned over the awaiting girls. His eyes lit up once his gaze locked onto your curious one. "You! With the beauty of a delicate rose, will you please be the next contestant?"

You nodded shyly and got up from the couch, making your way over to the middle of the room. You carefully stuck your hand into the bag full of objects and felt around. Your fingers locked onto a hard, round object. Curious as to what it was, you pulled it out to see that it was a small candy. You held it up for the boys to see.

"Hmm. Being the eighth chosen out of seventeen was a little less than my original prediction was, but I was still more or less correct," L said, getting up from the chair he was sitting- no, squatting- on.

"I assume this is yours then?" you asked him.

He plucked the candy from your hand, unwrapped it, and put in his mouth.

"I've gotten up, haven't I?" he replied calmly. He turned to Tamaki before you could reply. "Can we hurry this up? I don't have time for such childish games."

"Of course!" Tamaki said, thrilled that he wasn't the only one who wanted to continue the game. He led you and L to the closet and locked the door once the both of you were inside.

Once locked inside, L went into his odd sitting position on the floor. Awkward and shy about the current circumstance, you sat down with your legs crossed next to him.

"You seem to be more intellectual than the people waiting outside, don't let your mind go to waste by sitting like that," he told you.

"I don't need to sit like that in order to be just as smart as you," you replied. He didn't respond verbally, but he did show a small smirk in return.

"Is L really your name?" you asked him, wanting to break the awkward silence.

"No," he answered, not giving any more information.

"What is your real name then?"

"That's classified."

"So that's it? You can ask questions about others but no one can ask anything about you?" you said, growing frustrated.

"You're allowed to ask questions about myself. Just know that you won't receive an answer."

You huffed, tired of attempting to make conversation with him. You accepted the impending awkward silence but was surprised when it was L's turn to break it.

"I am curious about one thing," he said in his usual calm tone. His gaze never left the closet door, seemingly deep in thought.

"That is?" you asked, still annoyed by your unanswered questions.

L finally averted his eyes from the door and looked at you. "You look just as sweet as the candy was. If my theory is correct, you'll taste just as sweet as it."

He leaned closer to you, shocking you. Meaning to move backwards, you instead lost your balance and fell onto your back on the ground. L placed his hands on either side of you while hovering above you. He waited to see if you would still try to get away from him. Instead, you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him to you. His lips quickly met yours and soon both of your lips were moving in sync with each other. To your surprise, he moved his lips away from yous and began to slowly kiss your neck. You threw your head back, allowing him to have more room. You tried your hardest to hold back your moans but eventually he was able to get them out of you.

You wished that moment of sheer pleasure would never end but after what only felt like seconds, the door to the closet opened. L took his time standing up and helped your shocked self back to your feet as well.

"Well?" you asked. "What's your conclusion?"

He showed a faint smile. "There wasn't enough time to thoroughly investigate. Perhaps later we could test out my theory again?"

You blushed and a big smile bloomed. You would have quite a fun night hoping to prove L's theory correct.

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