Soul Evans (Soul Eater)

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"It's time for the next round to begin!" Tamaki exclaimed. "Alas, I'm afraid this is the nearly the last round. But don't worry! We will get through this pain and we'll make sure that these next two rounds will be the best!"

At this point, the other guys in the room looked considerably a lot happier this round compared to the others before because of the knowledge that this game was indeed drawing to an end. Only two more rounds until the finale, now that was something for them to look forward to.

"Only two more beautiful ladies to choose from.... But even so, the decision is still so hard! But my heart is longing for you, so you it shall be!" he exclaimed once again before grabbing your hand and pulling you to your feet.

As he did with every girl before you, he lead you to the center of the room to where the bag was located. Reaching your hand inside without any hesitation, your hand immediately touched a smooth and curved item. Curiously, you pulled it out to reveal a black, plastic hairband.

"It's about time. If I was chosen last that would've looked so uncool," a white-haired guy mumbled as he stood up and started walking towards you. You handed him his item which he carefully placed back on his head.

Tamaki quickly led the both of you to the closet without letting any words be passed between the two of you first. Like he did with everyone before, he locked the door behind you guys, leaving you alone in the darkness.

"I really wish I could've been skipped...." you admitted to him once you were alone with him.

"Then I would've been skipped too, that would've looked so uncool," he said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm (Y/N) by the way."

"Cool name. I'm Soul."

"Yeah, I know," you told him. "I'm glad we met, just not too happy that it was under these circumstances."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know what we're expected to do in here. Isn't that a little awkward?"

"Not for me. How much time do you think we have left in here?"

"Uh, probably not much time left," you guessed.

"Well, I don't want to be the only guy to walk out of here without doing anything. Just imagine how uncool I'd look."

He suddenly started walking closer to you. With your back already pressed against the door, there was nowhere for you to move. His bright red eyes pierced the darkness allowing you to almost be able to see his whole silhouette. He slowly inched closer and closer to you until there was barely any room separating the two of you.

"S-Soul-" you stuttered before he cut you off with a kiss. Without any hesitation, you kissed him back, giving him the encouragement to place his hands on your waist. As you tangled your fingers into his hair, he licked your bottom lip for entrance which you happily obliged.

The more enthusiastic you became with this, the more encouraged he got to do more. His hands slowly moved further down your waist until they reached your ass. He hesitated from there until you softly bit his lip, encouraging him further on.

Just at that moment, the door burst open to reveal a disgusted looking Tamaki. You and Soul quickly broke apart, faces blooming from the look Tamaki gave the two of you.

"I saw where your hands were! How dare you touch such an innocent lady there!" he exclaimed.

As you and Soul quickly exited the closet, he stopped you before you could return to your seat. When you turned to face him, there was a wide smirk spread across his face.

"What we did was pretty cool, but getting caught like that wasn't. Maybe later after all of this is over you and I could do that again in a place more.... private."

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