Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler)

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"Everyone knows what happens now!" Tamaki said in a sing-song voice.

"We get to leave?" Yukine asked in a bored tone. He was just one of the many guys that weren't pleased about the current circumstances. Tamaki, on the other hand, felt that this game of romantics fit well with him.

"Of course not!" Tamaki exclaimed as he broke away from the rest of the guys and flitted towards you. "You're next, princess."

You stood up, blushing slightly at what he called you. You let him lead you to the table where you began to feel nervous for what might happen next. You reached a shaky hand into the bag and pulled out a gold pocket watch. You held it up for the others to see and a short boy with an eye patch over his right eye sighed.

"I suppose that's yours, Sebastian?" he asked his butler who was standing next to him.

"Indeed it is, young master," he replied, his face remaining expressionless.

"Just be fast. I have better things to be doing."

"Whatever you wish." With a final bow, Sebastian left Ciel's side and walked over to you. Even if only a butler, he held an air of sophistication that surprised you. Even so, his deep red eyes held something else.

"My lady," he said, as he addressed you with a nod. You nodded back at him, not sure what to say in return.

"Let's get the two of you in the closet so this game can begin!" Tamaki exclaimed as he led you and Sebastian towards the small closet. Like every other turn, Tamaki closed the door behind the two of you, leaving you both in the dark.

It wasn't completely dark due to the fact that Sebastian's abnormally bright red eyes pierced the darkness. You found his eyes locked on yours, an amused smirk tugging on his lips.

"W-what?" you asked, oblivious to what could possibly be so amusing to him.

"Forgive me for my rudeness, my lady," he apologized, redirecting his eyes away from yours. "I'm afraid that I am so busy serving my young master that I'm beginning to appreciate the space and privacy of this game."

"That's nothing worth apologizing for," you told him quietly. For some reason, even though everything he said was kind, he still seemed intimidating to you for some reason.

"Perhaps there's no need to apologize for that, but an apology is in order since I have been wondering how this game will turn out if we play it as it was intended to be played."

The smirk returned on Sebastian's face as your own broke into a deep blush when you realized what he meant.

Play it as it was intended to be played.

Your face only grew a deeper shade of red as you tried to imagine touching, hugging, and... kissing Sebastian Michaelis in this closet. You knew you wanted to but you were afraid to, you've done nothing like it before.

But... Sebastian obviously wanted to and you could tell he was a gentleman, you could trust him. This was your one shot to try something of this sorts, you shouldn't let it go to waste.

"I was wondering that as well," you told him, shyly wrapping your arms around yourself.

"Are you giving me permission to kiss you?" he asked you, his smirk never fading.

You didn't think you would be able to utter any words without stuttering so you just nodded in response. Using inhuman speed, he launched himself from across the closet to where you were standing. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him before he pressed his lips against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he softly bit your lower lip. Your body went limp in his arms as you let out a muffled moan against his lips. He took that opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. His tongue explored every inch of your mouth as his gloved hands traveled along your back. Before they could wander any lower, Sebastian broke apart from you just before the door to the closet opened.

You stood there, your face flushed and slightly out of breath while Sebastian seemed as regal as ever. He showed no signs that anything had just happened. He took the liberty the guide you out of the closet since you seemed incapable of moving after the previous events.

You attempted to return to your seat when you were once again in the room but Sebastian stopped you just before you did. He gave you a low bow, that smirk of his still plastered on his face, and said, "It was a pleasure being of service to you, my lady."

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