Maou Sadao (The Devil is a Part-Timer)

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Excitement was going around the room, the joy was contagious. Every guy sitting in the room had their differences with one another, but they all had one thing in common; they wished for the game to be over. Well, except for Tamaki of course.

To Tamaki's dismay, this was indeed the final round of the game. The guys in the room would be free to go back to their world, to never have to suffer through this game any longer. This round only needed to get started.

"Just start the damn round already!" Light yelled angrily, quickly losing his patience the longer Tamaki tried to delay the round from starting.

"Why can't Fate have mercy on me?" he cried, just as overdramatic as ever. "All I wanted was for this game to last forever, why does reality have to be so cruel?"

The angry yells of the other guys in the room snapped Tamaki out of his little pity party.

"Alright, alright. You, my dear!" he exclaimed as he pointed at you, the last girl remaining. "You may be last, but certainly not least. I always love saving the best for last."

With a bow, he extended his hand out to you which you accepted with a shy smile. He led you to the center of the room in a slower pace than he usually had. It was obvious he didn't want to rush this round like he did will all others. There was no reason now to choose an item from the bag, only one guy remained unchosen.

"Who hasn't gone yet?" Tamaki asked the crowd of guys. One black-haired guy stood up among the crowd, stretching his arms above his head.

"Finally it's my turn, I better not get in trouble at work because of this," he said as he walked towards the center of the room where you stood.

You and Maou followed the sullen looking Tamaki to the closet. As the two of you stepped inside, you were surprised when he didn't immediately close the door like he normally would. Instead, he actually stopped to say something.

"If our fun little game does have to end, I want the last round to end the best. You two better do something in the closet or else I won't let you out," he told you and Maou. Before either of you could argue to that, he slammed the door shut. "Have fun!"

"Ugh, I just want to go back to work," Maou whined. "I better not get demoted because of this."

"I'm sure we'll be out of here soon," you assured him.

"I hope so, Ashiya is probably worried sick about me...."

"There's an awful lot of chit-chat going on in there!" Tamaki shouted from outside the closet. "Remember, I'm not unlocking the door unless you make this a great final round."

"What the hell does he mean by that? I just want to get to my job!" Maou yelled, getting more and more frustrated the longer he was locked in the closet.

"Uh," you said shyly. "I think he means for us to, uh, kiss or something...."

You were nervous by the idea of that, but you knew it was the only way Tamaki would let you out. Even so, you didn't think you'd be able to do it. It was obvious to Maou how put off you were by the idea, but at the moment, he couldn't care about that.

"I'm really sorry," he said quickly before he placed his hands on your cheeks and pressed his lips against yours.

You stumbled backwards until your back hit the closet door. Even then he continued to kiss you. You felt your face heat up in a deep blush, but you couldn't help but love the way he kissed you. Hesitantly, you kissed him back, giving him the encouragement to go even further.

He roughly bit your lip causing you to gasp, giving his tongue free range in your mouth. You didn't fight back as he dominated your mouth with his tongue. Soon, his hands moved from your face down to your hips, his hands itching to feel every part of your body. Before his hands could explore your body any further, the closet door finally opened to reveal the still sullen looking Tamaki.

He didn't even dare to make a comment on where Maou's hands were, he just seemed more gloomy than disgusted. You and Maou hesitantly exited the closet and returned to your seats outside while Tamaki stood in the center of the room once again. Everyone in the room were finally smiling for the first time since arriving, knowing now that they would finally be able to leave.

"I know everyone here is just upset as I am about the game having to end, I just wish there was something I could do to make us all feel better...." he trailed off. "Oh, I know! Let's play again!"

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