Kirito (Sword Art Online)

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"It's finally time for the next round to begin!" Tamaki exclaimed as joyously as ever.

So many rounds had already gone by leaving only a few girls remaining to be chosen, one of them being yourself. You sat in your spot nervously twiddling your fingers as Tamaki slowly walked past the four other girls, finally stopping once he was in front of you.

"You! Such beauty like yours deserves to be chosen," he said as he extended his hand out to you. A faint blush spread across your face as you gently placed your hand in his, allowing him to lead you to the center of the room where the bag of items was located.

After taking a quick glance at all the people who were in the room, you slowly reached your hand inside the bag, feeling around for any item that would catch your interest. You closed your hand around a long and thin item just before pulling it out, intrigued by what you would fine. As you pulled your hand out of the bag, a pair of earbuds came out as well. When you held them up for the others to see, a guy dressed in all black stood up, letting everyone know that the item belonged to him.

He may have looked nice, but that didn't stop you from taking a wary glance at the sword that hung from his back. You were far from being comfortable with being locked in a closet with him for seven minutes when he had a weapon at hand. Apparently, you weren't the only one with concerns.

"You're going to scare the poor girl with that awful weapon! Don't you know anything about being a gentleman?" Tamaki asked, obvious disdain in his voice.

"Oh.... I forgot about that. Sorry," Kirito replied sheepishly as he unsheathed his sword, placing it in the spot where he was sitting.

Tamaki still didn't look too pleased with him, but he wouldn't let that ruin the game he loved so much. Without a care in the world, he led you and Kirito to the closet which he locked once the two of you were inside.

Kirito stood by the door to the closet while you stayed further back, once again nervous twiddling your fingers. The air was filled with such an awkward tension that you wanted to say something to break it, but you were too scared to.

"Um, hey," he said, sparing you from starting the conversation.

"Hey...." you replied shyly, not knowing what else to say.

"I'm sorry if I scared you before, I didn't mean to. I'm just so used to carrying my sword around, I completely forgot about it." It was hard to see him in the darkness, but you could tell just by the tone of his voice that he was sincere.

"It's okay, you didn't scare me," you somewhat lied, not wanting him to feel bad.

You took a step forward meaning to show him that you weren't afraid but you ended up tripping, stumbling forward only for him to catch you in his arms. You blushed deeply once you realized how close you now were to him, your face buried in his chest and your arms wrapped around his body for support.

Shyly, you glanced up at him and blushed even more when you saw the shocked look that was spread across his face. You quickly averted your eyes and attempted to pull away from him, not expecting him to keep the firm grip he had on you which never slackened to your surprise. Looking back up at him in curiosity, you were met with his lips on yours, causing your whole body to freeze in shock.

He slowly pulled away, his lips hovering only a few inches away from yours. He looked at you carefully trying to see your reaction, trying to figure out whether or not you wanted him to continue. You were still shocked by what just happened but before he could pull away even further, you wrapped your arms around his neck and crushed your lips to his.

Waves of pleasure coursed through your body when he bit your bottom lip, causing a moan to escape your mouth. He used that opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth to cause even more sparks of passion to ignite.

His hands that were once supporting your back began to roam lower and lower, soon making their way to your lower back. Before they could move any lower, the door to the closet opened to reveal a very disgusted Tamaki.

"How dare you try and touch a lady as innocent as her there?! That's unacceptable!" he exclaimed as overdramatically as usual.

Both your face and Kirito's face flamed red in embarrassment once the two of you realized what you both did during your seven minutes alone with each other.

"Come here, my dear," Tamaki said as he took your hand in his and led you out of the closet. "I swear, there are just too many perverts here."

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