Urushihara Hanzo (The Devil is a Part-Timer)

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"I know, it's seemed like ages! But it's finally time for another round to begin! Aren't you all so excited?" Tamaki asked everyone, as eager as always.

Unlike previous rounds, the group of boys didn't even bother to utter a sound this time. They all just sat in their spots either with their heads down or their arms crossed, just waiting for the game to be over with in silence.

"Now which of you lovely ladies should be next," Tamaki murmured as he continued to look at the remaining girls like he did every previous round. Suddenly, he stopped in front of you right before he cupped your face with his hands. "You're perfect for this round! You'll be next!"

Without waiting for a reply, he grabbed your hand and helped you up from your seat, escorting you to the center of the room where the bag sat on the table.

You reached your hand inside the bag and felt the few items that remained inside. You felt a somewhat large, square item inside that peeked your interest. You carefully pulled it out to reveal a game system.

"Finally, I've been waiting to get that back," a purple-haired boy said as he walked over to you and grabbed his game. Before he could even play it, Tamaki grabbed the game right from his hands.

"I will not allow this to ruin my game! You will be in the closet for seven minutes with nothing but this lovely young lady's company," Tamaki told him sternly.

"This is so stupid," he pouted as he crossed his arms.

Tamaki led you and the boy to the closet, but just before the two of you stepped inside, a voice cut in.

"Don't harm the poor girl, Urushihara!" a dark haired guy shouted.

"Oh, shut up, will you?" Urushihara shouted back, obviously annoyed before stepping inside the closet. Hesitating for a moment, you followed him inside right before Tamaki closed and locked the door behind you.

"So.... You're Urushihara, right?" you asked, trying to break the tension.

"Yep," he replied.

"My name's (Y/N)."

He didn't even bother replying that time. You huffed and crossed your arms angrily. All you wanted was to try and pass the time someway, but he was definitely not making things easy on you.

"What's your problem? I'm only trying to be friendly."

"Being stuck in here with you is the last thing I want, I just want to be back outside to where my game and laptop are," he said angrily.

"Do you really think being stuck in here with an asshole like you is what I want?!" you snapped. He was ready to fire back but a knock on the door stopped him.

"I hear an awful lot of chit chat going on in here. Until you two play the game as it's meant to be played, I won't open this door," Tamaki told you both.

"Play the game as it's meant to be played...? What the hell do you mean by that?" Urushihara asked, obviously confused.

You knew what Tamaki meant and you were more than willing to do it if it meant getting out of that small closet with Urushihara. Taking a few steps closer to him, he was completely thrown off when you grabbed his face and smashed your lips against his, kissing him for a few seconds as he stood there frozen in place, utterly shocked by what was going on.

When you finally pulled away, his eyes were wide open while his mouth hung open from the shock he was still experiencing. When Tamaki opened the door and discovered him like that, looks of disgust and worry flashed across his face and you and him tried to help Urushihara out of the closet.

When Urushihara finally stepped outside with that look still on his face, Maou bursted into a fit of laughter at the worrying state of his roommate.

"I don't know how you did it, but you actually broke him," Maou said through his laughter. He approached his roommate carefully and placed his hand on Urushihara's shoulder. "What happened in there?"

"S-she.... She kissed me!"

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