Chapter. 8

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Audrey's pov

"D-Dad?!" I stutter, my eyes widening as I look at my angry father. He didn't look so nice when he was angry. His vein on the top of his head stuck out, seeming to pump twice the regular speed. His eyes almost seemed red. And lastly, his whole body was stiff, yet ready to pounce at any moment.

"Audrina May Morrison... How dare you! I left you home alone and this is how you repay me?!"

I sigh, frustrated and tired. And now that he's started yelling, irritated.

"I was called in the middle of my meeting, Audrey! A very important meeting at that. And imagine how shocked I was when I was told my daughter and some boy were out vandalising trains!"

I rub my face. "Look, it wasn't that bad. Everyone spray paints trains. And we wouldn't have gotten in worse trouble if this dumbass didn't get in a fight with the cop." I said, throwing my thumb over my shoulder towards Rhett.

Rhett didn't respond. Which was weird considering he always had a comeback. But seeing my angry father and a cop probably shut his mouth up. Well even with my dad and every person in the world angry at me, I wouldn't shut my mouth.

Whatever comes into my mind, comes out my mouth.

"It is a big deal, Audrey!" I shrugged and pursed my lips, giving him a blank look. "It's really not."

"Oh my god! I'm not going to argue with you! It's not getting me anywhere! Now both of you just come on."

The cop unlocks the bar and I furrow my eyebrows at my dad, walking out. "What? Both of us?"

He nods and grips mine and Rhett's bicep. I was still confused. "Yes, both of you. I work with Rhett's dad. And he would be more pissed than I am now. You're lucky I didn't tell him you were involved in this when I got the call, Rhett. This is the first, and the last time I'm saving your ass."

Rhett nodded, looking down. He was completely defeated.

Wow, I thought. His dad must really have some power over him.

"Yes, sir."

My dad drags us outside and to his car. I got in the passenger seat as Rhett sat behind my dad.

My dad didn't say a word until we had pulled out of the parking lot from town hall. (which I realised is where we were at once we got outside.)

"Audrey, I also know you threw a party."

I look over at him, my brows raised high. "What? How?"

"Well for one, I saw it coming from a mile away. You had the whole house to yourself for a while. I knew you weren't just going to sit around. Plus, the neighbors called and complained about how loud you were all night."

I nod. "Well you know what they say. Snitches are bitches."

"Audrey, shut up, okay? I'm sick of this. You've only been living with us for a couple days and you are already starting so much shit! Why can't you just grow up already?!"

That stung my chest. He had no right to criticize me within only being around me four or five days. He hadn't been in my life for years.... No call, no texts, nothing.

"Maybe if you hadn't left me with my shitty excuse of a mom... I would already be." I said it as calm as possible. My dad looked over at me, less angry now. But he didn't say anything. And I was fine with that. I didn't want to talk to him any more than he wanted to talk to me.

So talk-less we will be.


After dropping Rhett off at his house, me and my dad quickly drove home, still silent. It's not like that silence killed me. I got in the last word. And left him silent. He has to deal with it.

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