Chapter .19

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Audrey's pov:

That little dipshit! He was flirting with that damn waitress, the day after he fucks me. I mean I knew he was a manwhore but damn. Keep it in your pants you dickshit. Like, I was seriously trying to have a good date with my nice, great, funny amazingly perfect boyfriend, but how the hell am I suppose to do that with little manwhore sharing slobber with every girl he meets, making sure I'm there to see it?

Like seriously, get a hotel room.

I was planning on talking to Rhett about it.

"I don't know about this, Audrey." Blake says as he looks out at the streets of our little town. It's dark out, so it's pretty empty. I roll my eyes and jump out of the car. If you go down one of the alleys in this Street, there's a huge, long brick wall that you can spray paint all over. And the thing about it is that you don't even get in trouble for doing it and they actually leave spray paint cans there for people to use. Rhett showed me this place a while back and I loved it. And I just wanted to show Blake it. Maybe he would like it.

"It's fine, trust me. I've done this before."

Blake follows me, wrapping his arm around my waist and making sure I stay right beside him. He was looking around everywhere, obviously on edge. I laugh and kiss his cheek. "Lighten up, babe. We aren't going to get into trouble."

"Audrey we should leave. It's dark and getting late." I roll my eyes. "It's not that far."

He leans close to my ear, his breath tickling my skin. "I don't like this..."

"Why are you so nervous? I told you, we won't get in trouble. You're fine." He sighs and walks with me. When we finally reach it, I jog to the bag of spray paint. Nobody else is here. So me and Blake will be alone. "Really Audrey? You brought me all the way here to spray paint?" I smirk and shrug. "Yeah it's fun. Come on, try it." I throw a can at him and he looks down at it before signing. I laugh and start to draw the outline of my name.

"What am I even suppose to draw?" He asks. I shrug. "Anything you want. It's all up to you."

"I'm not very artistic." I laugh. "Neither am I. The most creative thing I've drawn is a tree." On a train with Rhett.

Hmm... I never realised how many memories I have with Rhett...

Blake laughs. "Audrey this really isn't my th-"


At first, I thought it was my phone, but then Blake pulled out his and looked at it.

He sighs. "Shit. I'm sorry babe, I have to go. My mom's pissed because I'm out past curfew," he walks to me and kisses my lips. "Bye, Audrey. I'll see you later." He puts his phone back in his pocket and turns away, walking back down the street. "Bye."

I look away, back at my spray painting. How weird that he got a text saying he should go and he didn't even want to be here... Weird.

Once I was done, I walked back up the street. And that's when it hit me.

I rode here with Blake! I don't have a car! Motherfucker he left me! That fucking douche.

I sighed and pulled out my phone. I texted Rhett.


Come pick me up. I'm at the Painting Alley.

He responded almost immediately.


Why should I?

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