Chapter .28

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Audrey's pov:

I was suddenly regretting being a bitch to Lina. Because I realised that she had no clue that Rhett was going to hurt her. She just thought she was in love with him and he was in love with her. But that wasn't the case.

I waited for Lina to walk into school. I had to warn her about Rhett. And I also needed to tell Rhett to tell her off easily. That he shouldn't fuck her. He should just let her down softly.... Like the feather she is. She's too soft to hurt her. She isn't like me and him.

Rhett smiles at me and nods upwards as he walks in. "Sup, doll."

"Stop right there mister. First, don't call me doll. We've been over this. And second, I need to talk to you." He walks to me and sits down beside me, where I was waiting. I continue to look for Lina as I speak with Rhett.

"Okay so you can't break Lina's heart, Rhett. She's too soft and she has no clue that you have no interest in her. Just let her down easy and don't fuck he-"

"Oh I already have. Last night." I spun to him. "What?"

He laughs and shrugs. "I fucked her last night. Broke her heart as soon as she woke up. So, she probably won't be here today if that's who you're looking for."

I rubbed my face and grunted loudly. "Dammit, Rhett."

He laughs. "What? I used to do this all the time before I met you."

I nodded and crossed my arms, leaning back on the bench type chair. "Yeah and I had a problem with it then too. But the difference from then and now is that you're my bestfriend so I can tell you when you're doing something wrong."

"Oh please Audrey. You used to do the same thing. And you still are." I shake my head, looking up at him with disappointed eyes. "No Rhett. I didn't do it like you. I didn't do it to people I had no interest in at all. I didn't tell them I loved them. I did it to people like me... People who wouldn't care if I fucked them. People who won't let their hearts get broken. Yes, sometimes I do break their hearts. But it's not on purpose like you." We stare at each other for a while. Nothing is shared in between us but air. Its absolutely silent with us.

I stand up and sigh. "Audrey-"

"I'm gonna be busy for the rest of the day. I'm checking out. But... Come by my house tonight. I'll text you when my dad is asleep."

I walk off, listening to his calls after me. I just kept walking.


After first period, the office calls me down to check out. I grab my stuff and walk straight to Blake's car. I get in and sigh, leaning my head back. Blake drives off. "Where?" I cross my arms. "My house. They're either at school or work." He nods, driving until we get to my house.

Me and Blake had agreed to talk about us. And we decided to do it during the day so that there was no interruptions. I've honestly been looking forward to it. I think we're finally going to seperate. Then I can feel free again. And I won't feel tied down.

I walk in and sit down on the couch, Blake following me seconds later. He leans back and places an arm behind me on the couch. "So.... Let's start by confessing anything that we've been wanting to tell each other."

I nod and face him, crossing my legs and holding my knees. "You go first." I tell him. He looks into my eyes. "I never saw myself with you for a long time. I knew we would end some day." I nodded. "Same here."

"We had a spark but... It's gone now." He whispers. I nodded. "Yeah..."

Blake softly holds my face in one hand, making me look right at him. "I really did like you, Audrey. And I still care for you. Just... Not in the same way. I still want you happy." I nodded and held his hand. "I want the same for you Blake. And I wouldn't mind us still being friends." He smiles at me. "I'd like that."

I bite my lip. Should I tell him? Would he be mad? He said he didn't care for me in the same way... Maybe he won't care....

"Um... Blake... I kinda need to tell you something... It's big."


I swallow. "I uh, I slept with Rhett... While dating you." He nods. "I know. I figured that. You guys were perfect for each other. I knew that even when I liked you. It's not like I never thought of you two hooking up. It hurt, when I saw you with his shirt, and you still lied to me. But... It soon faded away."

"So... Then why were we still dating after we lost that connection?" He plays with the ends of my hair. "I didn't want to hurt you. It would be way too hard for me to break up with you." I furrowed my eyebrows... That's not why I didn't break up with him...

"What about you?"

I take a deep breath, and I can't control what came out of my mouth next. "I think I didn't because I knew Rhett hated you... And I thought it would make him jealous."

He smiles and let's out a small laugh. "You really like him, don't you?"

I shake my head. "No, no I don't. I can't like him." Blake rubs his thumb across my lips, making me looking at him. "Why not? It's pretty obvious he likes you. Even if he did date Morgan."

"I can't... I can't hurt him. He means too much to me, Blake."

Blake shakes his head. "Audrey you can't let that get in the way of your happiness. If you want him... Go get him."

I look right into his beautiful eyes. I always loved that about Blake....

"It's not that easy." Blake stands and laughs. He leans over and kisses my forehead. "You'll figure it out. I have faith in you," he stands straight and smiles down at me. "Goodbye Audrey." Blake then goes and walks out of my house, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


I sat on the porch, watching as the rain poured down and the thunder rolled. I sat on the steps, my bare feet getting wet. The storm was getting say too heavy, and I was scared that Rhett wouldn't show up. My dad and stepmom were in the house, getting taxes and bills straight. The kids were upstairs playing. Nobody even noticed I was gone.

I was freezing. I had on a white spaghetti strap tank top with some short black yoga shorts. But I didn't care. I wanted to speak to Rhett as soon as possible.

I waited maybe five more minutes before Rhett finally pulled up. The rain was getting harder. The more it rained, the less I could see of Rhett's car. I couldn't barley see him get out and run to me. He was soaked just by that couple feet. I didn't move a muscle.

Rhett wore his famous leather jacket over his black shirt. His hair was a mess and everything was wet. He had to yell at me over the rain. "Audrey! Let's go in the house!" I shook my head a d grabbed his hand, pulling him down right beside me. He leaned closer to me. "Audrey, you're freezing. Come on, let's get inside." I shook my head again.

"Not right now." He sighs and takes his jacket off, wrapping it around my shoulders and his arm doing the same. He pulls me close to his side, giving me his warmth. I lay my head on his shoulder, wanting nothing... but him.

"You're something else Audrey."


Awe! They're so adorable!!! They're literally my goals. #Raudrey

Love you guys!


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