Chapter .31

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"Lina!" I screamed, dropping down and grabbing the knife out of her hand. I threw it across the floor, making sure she couldn't get it. "What the hell are you doing?" I grip her shoulders on my hands, just staring down at her cut up wrists, remembering what it was like to do that myself.

She balled. "I-I can't take it Audrey! I'm just s-so sad! He-He broke me! F-For you! He ripped my heart into shreds and I can't h-handle it! Not to mention M-Morgan... I don't want to be here anymore!"

"Lina I am so sorry. I know what it's like to-"

"You don't know anything! You have a perfect life you bitch!"

I froze for a minute... This girl doesn't know anything...

I take a deep breath and sigh. "Right. Because perfect means my dad leaving when I was two. It means my mom being a drug and sex addict. It means that I was raped at the age of eight and continued to be raped, beaten, molested until I finally moved to my father's house. It means me doing drugs just because it made me finally have some fun. It means me doing everything possible to never be taken advantage of by another guy. It made me be the way I was today.... Yeah... Totally perfect,"

She sits there, her eyes wide and filled with tears. Red and swollen because of her crying. I had to prove her wrong, even if she was like this. Part of the reason she did this was because she thought Rhett left her for me because I was perfect and she wasn't. I couldn't let her think that... There are worse things than a heartbreak... And I'm letting her know that.

"Let me get you cleaned up." I stood, pulling her with me and helping her to the counter. I quickly grabbed some paper towels and wetted them, cleaning her cuts and putting pressure on them to stop the bleeding until we could get bandages or bandaids. I know I was mean to Lina... For a stupid reason I will add, but I am trying to fix this.

"Thank you..." She mumbled, staring down at her wrists. I shook my head. "Don't thank me. I've been a real bitch to you and I'm really deeply sorry for that. I know it wasn't your fault... I also know that I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and been as jealous as I was. Im trying to make up for that... Even if I can't."

She shakes her head. "It's fine... I would've been jealous too."

I nod and hurridly finish. Once I do, I smile at her. "How about I take you to the nurses office?"


"Hey Rhett?"

I feel a light kiss on the nape of my neck, and his arms that were around my stomach tightened. "Yes doll?"

"I saw Lina today."

"What happened?"

I thought back to Lina. The fear and sadness in her eyes as she cried them out. The pain she felt. It was heartbreaking for even me... And that takes a lot to do.

I rolled over on his chest so that we were now chest to chest on my bed, me on top of him. I leaned up enough so that he could see my face clearly. "Rhett... She was in the bathroom slitting her wrists. She was just letting it bleed out and she was so hurt... She didn't want to be on this planet anymore..."

I saw a little sprinkle of concern on his eyes. But I wasn't sure if it was for Lina or for my worry for Lina. He rubs my back. "Is she okay now?"

I play with the neck of his shirt. "I think so. I cleaned her up and took her to the nurse so... I hope she is."

He sighs and wraps his arms around my neck, pulling me in a hug. "She'll be alright, babe. I've got someone to help her."

I didn't know what he meant by that, but I trusted him. I was worried for Lina, very much. And I was scared about what she was going to do when she was alone again. But I didn't want to think about it. I just wanted to sleep.


× 1 year later ×

We all cheer and throw up our diplomas in celebration. We were smiling and just all as happy as could be. It was one of the most memorable days of our life.


No more high school. College for some, straight to working for other. And for those select few, nothing.

As for me, I haven't decided yet. But I'm sure I'll figure it out. After all, I've got all the people I need right here with me.

Rhett picks me up by the waist and spins me around. I laugh, holding his shoulders so that I don't fall.

"We finally made it!" He screamed, finishing it off by pulling me in for a sweet kiss. Afterwards he smiled at me and walked off towards Luke and Duke. I smiled as Lina walked over.

She hugged me. "College here we come!" I laughed with her. "So... which one did you pick?" Lina got better soon after he cutting incident... Mainly because a special boy helped her out, who she's now been dating for a year. He also happens to already be in our little group of friends. But she started focusing on her academics and graduated top of our class, and many, many colleges wanted her. From Yale to UNCG.

She smiles and stands proudly. "Harvard." I smiled and hugged her once again. "Lina that's amazing! You're gonna do great!" She can't stop smiling, espically when Brian walks over.

He wraps an arm around her shoulder and kisses her temple. "And I'm joining her."

I scoffed. "You? Harvard? What did you do, pay your way in?" He glares at me. "You're gonna give away my cover, Audrey." I laugh and shove his shoulder. "You love me."

I then see Caroline and run over to her, bugging her to death. "We're finally graduates Audrey! This is awesome!"

I laughed. "It's so exiting!"

"Congrats, Audrey." Blake says, walking over and holding his arms out for a hug, which I gladly give. Over the past year, me and Blake have still remained friends and stayed in touch. Luckily, now him and Rhett can be in the same room together without wanting to murder one another.

"Hey man, she's mine." Rhett buts in, pulling me into his chest and I roll my eyes. Blake just chuckles. "Congrats man." They shake hands, sharing a nice smile.

You know, the last two years have changed me forever. I turned out alright. I finally let my hair go back to its natural dirty blonde color. I started focusing more on school and me and Rhett both stopped getting into as much trouble... But we never completely stopped. And we never will.

But right now, this is all I need.

~× T H E E N D ×~

Yes yes, I know, this is sad, and is cut off suddenly but I just felt this was the perfect moment to cut it off. They've all been on a rough road, but it's all coming to a slow stop.

I'll miss Audrey and Rhett. And all the characters ever involved in STBG. Including all my fans. I'll miss writing with this characters for you guys. I'll miss all of you!

And I just want to say a big thanks to everyone who made it this far in STGB, and I'm happy you've stuck through all their bumps in the road until the end.

Thank you all, and have a wonderful day! I love you!❤


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