Chapter .30

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Audrey's POV:

Saying I'm happy, was a definite understatement. I didn't get it to be honest. Getting with Rhett just made me absolutely happy. More than I've ever been. He was different. I know, I know, everyone says that about their spouse or crush or significant other or whatever but he is! Actually... Everyone is right when they say that. Because everyone is different. Nobody is the same. We're all different in our own ways, and some people just need to realise that.

I woke up with arms wrapped tightly around me, one hand scratching my back, another laying flat against it. I could feel Rhett's breath along my forehead as his breathing was even and thin. I didn't want to move from this spot. I was absolutely at peace. And knowing me, I could ruin that with just the drop of a hat.

"I know you're awake Audrey." Rhett whispered, lightly chuckling. I hum and dig my face deeper into his chest. "No I'm not."

"Audrey," he hummed, taking his fingers and running them all through my hair, causing me to fall asleep faster. "Doll," I rolled my eyes at that one.

"C'mon beautiful, you can't miss the carnival."

I jump up. "Shit! The carnival! I forgot that was today!" I jumped up and ran to my closet. We were suppose to be there at twelve, but by the looks outside it seems like it's already past that. I hurridly grabbed my white, loose tank top, a flannel, and some ripped shorts. I started taking my cloths off in a hurried rush.

Once I've got my shirt and shorts off and am about to put on my outfit, I hear Rhett laugh his ass off. I spin around and he's laying on the bed still, just laughing. "What are you laughing at?! We have to be at the carnival in like five minutes! Get up you lazy ass!"

He gets up and walks towards me, his joggers about to fall off of his pants and his chest glistening in the sunlight. He grabs my bare waist and pulls me to him. "Doll, it's only ten. Chill. We have two hours before we have to be there."

I huff and look up at him. "And you wait this long to tell me?" He smirks and looks me up and down, biting his lip. "I couldn't help it. Just look at you."

I slap the back of his head. "You jackass. Just because we're dating now, doesn't mean I'm going to take it easy on you." I push away from him and walk over to my dresser to grab my cloths. But before I can, Rhett walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my bare stomach, pulling me flush to his soft, muscly chest. He leans right to my ear. His hand comes up and as his fingers skim over my skin, pushing away my hair. "So we're dating now? Because I never asked you that."

I swallow. "And I never said that." He chuckled. "Yes you did."

I laughed. "No I'm pretty sure I didn't." I tried grabbing my cloths, but Rhett made sure I didn't. "Baby, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I laughed and turn in his arms, pushing myself on him while pulling him agaisnt me, pressing us both agaisnt the dresser. I pull him to me, kissing him hard and deeply. I smiled, biting his lip and tugging on it. I walk him backwards and lay him down on the bed, pulling just slightly away as I sit on his stomach, leaning over. My hair hangs over Rhett's smiling face. I laugh and kiss his neck. "How long did you say we had?"

"However long we need, babe."

I smirk and tug at his joggers. "Perfect."


× A week later ×

Not only was I now the happiest I had ever been, but I was also... How do I say it... Oh yeah...


And to be honest, I don't know how to feel about this. I was shocked when I finally put the pieces together yes. But it makes sense... The way I felt about him... How compatible we were and... I don't know... Just everything I guess. It was crazy.

"Hey, babe." Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I smile and place my hands over his that were wrapped around my waist. I leaned into him. "Hi, Rhett."

"So did you do what I told you to?" I rolled my eyes and pushed him away, walking into school. "You know I don't listen but if you must know, yes, I talked to my father and we're chill now."

"So no more fighting with him... Right?" He asked, grabbing my hand and raise an eyebrow. He rolled out the I in right.

I chuckle and nod, leaning my head on his shoulder as we walked to class. "Yes babe. I'm not gonna fight with him. Just for you." He smirks and kisses my lips. "Great."

I laugh and let go of his hand. "I'll meet you in class, alright? I'm going to the bathroom." He grabs my wrist before I can leave and spins me around. He holds me close enough to his body so that I can feel the heat coming from him. Not to mention his hot, minty breath kissing my face. He places both hands on my butt. "Alone? We've got time you know..." He trails off, kissing my neck. I scoff and lush him away.

"Nice try, dickface. Get to class. You need it!" I shout, walking off. He chuckles behind me. "Fuck you!"

I smirk. "Oh you have, don't worry!"

I smile as I walk into the bathroom. Really, I just came in here to check on my hair and do my eyeliner, which I forgot to do this morning.

I pull out my stuff and get to work. As soon as I'm done, I hear the smallest cry I've ever heard. I look in the mirror, and see feet under one of the bathroom stalls. I furrow my eyebrows, getting worried. Is she crying?


She sniffles, trying to hold it in, and I'm inching closer and closer towards the door. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm f-fine." I knew she was lying, so unopened the bathroom stall and gasped.

Sitting on the toilet, was Lina... Her white dress covered with blood. Her hair was a ragged mess, the blood falling from her wrists like rain onto the floor, making a puddle just as big as my foot. Her hand that held the knife was loose, matching her grip.

And I felt nothing but her pain.


Aw... Poor Lina. I fell bad for her!

Anyways, vote to help Lina! XD lol, jk but of you liked it click and give a vote! Every one counts! Love you guys!😘


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