Chapter .29

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Rhett's POV:

Audrey was acting different. It wasn't a bad different... But it wasn't a good different either. I guess it was mutual. She was still Audrey... She was just in a weird mood.

I looked down at her in my arms. She stared out at the pouring rain and lighting with everything she had. She loved storms, possibly because it reminded her of herself. Either way, I had to talk to her tonight. Really talk to her. About us, about everything. I can't hold it in any longer. I could just explode.

The rain was slowly starting to calm down, and I felt Audrey start to fall asleep. I shook my head and picked her up bridal style. She groaned and wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her face in my neck. I felt my body heat shoot up. Her shorts were going straight up, almost showing everything of hers. Her legs were obviously just shaved due to how soft they felt and she showed them off with those booty shorts. And her low hanging tank top made me want to take her right here right now. But I didn't. I couldn't. I needed her.

I softly opened the door, hoping her parents weren't around. Luckily, I saw them far away in the kitchen. I shut the door quietly and made my way to Audrey's room. I placed her on the bed. We'll talk in the morning. She seems tired. I glance around her room, and something catches my eye. I notice a picture on her desk, beside her drawing things. It's a picture of me and her. She was holding the camera arms length, getting me in it with her. She's on my back and I'm holding her up. She's kissing my cheek and I'm smiling my ass off. I remembered that day. It was mine and her day. We had decided to go out and do anything we wanted to. It was one of the best days of my life.

"Thats my favorite picture," I spin around, frightened by the sudden voice of Audrey. I thought she was asleep. She was laying on her side, with her hands on her cheek, her face facing me, smiling. She was almost smothered by my leather jacket that she was still wearing. I smiled at her. "You look so happy in it."

I sit down on the edge of her bed. My cloths were still a little damp, but she didn't say anything. "Thats because I was." She looks over at me, smiling. Then looks down at my cloths. "Are you cold?" I glance down and shake my head. "I'll be fine."

She sits up, pulling her knees to her chest. "I have some of your cloths still. I never gave them back." I smiled and rolled my eyes. "That's where my cloths keep going." She laughs. "I'm serious Rhett. I'm not letting you in bed until you change those wet ass cloths." I laugh and stand up. "Fine, where are they?" She points to dresser and I grab the joggers I left here. I pull off my shorts and pants and walk over, putting them in her dirty cloths basket. I felt her eyes on me the entire time, which made me smile. I slipped my joggers on and crawled into the bed. I pull her to my chest, wrapping my arms tightly around her. She was so small, but she fit perfectly with me. I felt complete with her around.

"So why did you leave today?" I whispered to her. She sighed. "Me and Blake had a talk."


"Me. Him. You."

"Me?" She nodded, turning in my arms so that she was facing me. She buried her face in my chest. "What about me?"

"I told him I slept with you. And how I felt about our relationship. We broke it off." I found myself smiling. "That sucks." No it doesn't. It's absolutely wonderful. She shakes her head, placing her hand on my abs and letting her fingers trace around them. "No. I'm glad it finally ended."

"Why did you ever stay with him if you didn't like him anymore?" She is silent. When she does speak, it's so low you can barley hear it. "The same reason you were with Morgan and Lina..."

We both lay there, holding each other in each other's arms, silent as the dead. I felt her breathing against my bare chest, making my body temperature shoot rocket high. I held her tightly, like I could loose her any second.

"Rhett... Do you like me?"

I swallowed. "Well I mean I'm you're best friend. Of course I like you." She shakes her head, leaning up and sitting on my waist. She held me by my chest. She leaned over me, still in my leather jacket. She let her dark hair hang down in front of me. She still traced my abs as she talked, not looking me in the eye.

"No... I mean like... Really like me. Not as a friend."

I rolled my lip ring around, staring up at her beautiful face. I reach up and tip her chin up, making her look at me. I lightly smiled at her. "What do you think?"

Her mouth slightly opens and she looks down, at her hands on my chest. She runs her fingers along the length of my pecks, down to my v-line. "I... I don't know. I mean I think you do but then you go around and sleep with other girls and I don't know how to feel about that. I honestly don't know what to think anymore."

She looks like she's on the verge of crying. I don't want to see Audrey cry. She's not one to do that and I hate seeing her upset.

"I'm not good with expressing my emotions. I try anything I can to get the girl to tell me first.... But with you... I can't do that. You're not one to give up at just the drop of a hat. You're stubborn. Thats one thing I love about you. You're hard headed. I tried to make you jealous... With both Morgan and Lina... And it worked finally with Lina. I honestly wish I hadn't done it. I wish I had just told you how I felt about you. It was stupid, and I'm sorry if I caused you any pain. I don't want to hurt you. I want to keep you safe and protect you. I want to make you the happiest girl in the world. I want to do everything humanly possible to make you mine and happy," she smiles and let's out a small laugh.

I smile at her, cupping her face. "Audrey, I know you don't believe in love. I know why. But you gave Blake a chance... And I hope you'll give me one." She smiles bigger than I've ever seen her and she leans down, kissing me softly. "Of course I will."

And we spent the entire night in each other's arms.


They are literally my goals right now. They're perfect for each other!!! And they're finally getting together!


XD I love you guys! Don't forget to vote for me plz!


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