Chapter .9

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So tonight, me, Lucy and Caroline are all having a sleepover at Caroline's house. Her parents were going to be out of town for the night so she suggested the sleepover idea. Of course, Lucy freaked out over it and started screaming and jumping and all that girly shit that I don't understand.

Yeah, I was excited about it. But the fact that they called it a 'sleepover' made me want to slam my head into a brick wall. But I forced myself not to say anything. These two girls are my closest friends here and we haven't had an actual 'talk' talk ever. So we need one night for just us.

And like usual, I didn't ask my dad if I could go. I just left a note on the door this morning before I left and rode to Caroline's with her and Lucy.

Which brings us to where we are now...

Caroline and Lucy run to the door with me following closely after. Caroline had a nice house. Better than my dads. And that's saying something since my dad is kinda rich. But I'm not complaining. It's easy stealing money from him. He's got so much of it, he doesn't even notice when twenty or thirty bucks are missing.

"Alrighty, my peasents! Welcome to my home!" Caroline laughs as she introduces us, and walks through the house, naming off each room.

After our little tour, we plopped down on the couch. Caroline reached for the remote to change the channel to DVD. I hopped up, heading to the kitchen to start the popcorn.

"Hey Cary! Where is your bowls at?!" I yelled.

"Top left shelf above the microwave!" I groaned and tried reaching for the bowls, but could not even get close to it. Damn... Why was I so short?

I sighed and lifted my leg on the counter, reading to hoist myself up there and grab one. But a deep voice from behind me, made my whole body go into defense mode.

"Need a little help there, sunshine?"

I spun around to see whoever it was looking at me. At first, I thought it was Caroline's dad. But he was suppose to be away for tonight and plus, this guy was almost my age. Maybe a little older. Like, who the hell is he?!

He had short blonde hair that curled over into his eyes... His dark brown eyes... This guy was tall. Well, not exactly as tall as Rhett, but he was still a hell of a lot taller than me. And his body was that perfectly toned body... He didn't have those huge huge arms, but they were a medium size, and showed every little detail in his muscles. He obviously worked out...

Without thinking, I jumped off the counter and got into a fighting stance, making sure my defense was up. Then I threw a punch right to his perfect face.

"Caroline! Lucy! Call 911! There's an intruder in the house!"

When I went to punch the hot guy again, Caroline ran into the kitchen. "Audrey wait! No, stop! He's not an intruder, he's my brother!"

I stopped and stood up straight, a little shocked. "You have a brother?"

She nods and gestures to the hot boy. He holds his cheek as he looks over at me.

"Audrey, meet Blake. Blake, meet Audrey." I cover my mouth with one hand and turn to Blake. "Shit dude, I'm so sorry! I thought you had broke into the house." He laughs and waves a hand in the air, shaking it off. And I thought I might just die. His smile was amazing... His perfect white teeth, his dimples! Oh my god I sound like a fan girl now.

"It's cool. At least I don't have to worry about if you guys are safe or not. Audrey's got that under control." He smiles right at me and I couldn't help but smile back. What is wrong with me?

"Anywho, Audrey, I'll get the popcorn, you can go clean up Blake since you obviously almost beat the shit out of him." I felt my stomach flutter. I then shake my head and push it away.

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